Friday, September 4, 2020
21st Century Management Skills free essay sample
Being an effective chief in the 21st century takes numerous abilities that can be put into three classes: Management Style, Communication, and Employee Relations. Truly, supervisors have for the most part fallen into the Theory X type director, which means they pushed for creation at any expense to the worker. The director would expect that the vast majority despise work and maintain a strategic distance from it at whatever point conceivable. Individuals reacted to discipline and negative support, and furthermore that representatives needed to be coordinated and didn't need the obligation of settling on their own choices. The 21st century chief will be much the inverse, considering the to be as the main resource. They consider the to be as being driven and grasping obligation, while being faithful to the organization because of a positive prize framework. Directors will remain back considering self-heading, and representative innovativeness and creative mind to be taken advantage of. Next, openness is of the utmost importance for the achievement of any association. We will compose a custom article test on 21st Century Management Skills or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page One significant aptitude for a supervisor is being multicultural, as well as multilingual †having the option to communicate in another dialect, and to comprehend and adjust to contrasting social signals. This takes into account a differing workplace with less culture stun and improved human relations. Data will stream similarly here and there the association; workers will be kept educated about the Key Operating Indicators of the organization, for example, Internal PPM Scrap, Efficiency, On Time Delivery, and so forth. Taking into consideration a visual portrayal of how the association is getting along, and causing the workers to feel progressively associated; thus expanding profitability, diminishing piece, pushing for quality and on time conveyance †while having the option to follow enhancements. At long last, associations have changed their point of view toward client relations, by making their workers their inner clients. Workers will be utilized as aides for consistent improvement of procedures and arrangements all through the association. This will permit the worker to shape unwaveringness and responsibility, realizing they have a state in how things work. Administrators will be group pioneers and mentors to new representatives, which means everybody is helping every other person; permitting workers to grasp change. Representatives with this new responsibility will be bound to be advanced from inside with an abundance of organization data and information, helping them to restore the cycle and become better administrators themselves.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Eli Lilly and Company: Innovation in Diabetes Care Essay
Eli Lilly and Company has accomplishment in produce and sells insulin in the United States in 1923 and in 1995 Eli Lilly has overwhelmed the world insulin advertise with another organization. Be that as it may, Eli Lilly has pass up on some of its’ opportunity in diabetes care when it attempting to sell its’ item to the world. What turned out badly with Eli Lilly during that time? Here are barely any focuses. Most importantly, Lilly has making a decent attempt to improve their item. Be that as it may, as the case makes reference to when Lilly’s â€Å"Match†item come out, it become an adversary wares to Lilly’s own old item. With regards to item life cycle, it genuine that organization needs to put out new item before the old item become less income yet in this circumstance for Eli Lilly is extraordinary. In view of the market rate it hold in US diabetes care advertise is around 80% and the new item will hurt the income the old item produce. So Eli Lilly really chose not to put it on to the market. It was anything but a cunning thought of deciding to considering its’ income rather than client need. What's more, with regards to asking the client what they need. Eli Lilly asked an inappropriate client. Rather than asking the individuals who are really utilizing diabetes care item, Eli Lilly went into specialist. What the specialist needs is absolutely inverse from what the patient need, the specialist need the client come to them normally in light of the fact that that’s the way that specialist procure cash from. Be that as it may, patient or clients need to have the option to control it without anyone else. When Eli Lilly focused on wrong client it inevitably hurt its’ income. Nova is thinking about the primary contender for Eli Lilly. Be that as it may, both two organizations set up comparative item into showcase. They attempt to put out the most up to date item so as to pull in more clients and increase more benefit from it. Be that as it may, does the client truly need those most current items. It turns into the inquiry between should the item be shoppers request direction or innovation execution direction. For this situation, the appropriate response would presumably customers request direction. Despite the fact that two organizations put out great item however the client used to the item they as of now have. What's more, the client are touchy to the cost since those items are utilizing just hardly any occasions and should be change constantly. Despite the fact that there are a few sections that Eli Lilly flop on it yet it make a decent attempt to comprehend what their client truly need. Eli Lilly discovered that client would ready to utilize their new item on the off chance that they did some change to it, for example, progressively simple for clients to utilizing new item or utilizing other innovation rather than need to infuse. Also, increasingly significant is that Eli Lilly discovered that the vast majority of their clients don’t have enough of data about diabetes care. So Eli Lilly set up a Controlled Diabetes Services program (CDS) which instructing individuals and building a network of patients the estimation of their insulin treatment. I think Eli Lilly settled on a decent choice about setting up CDS which can in a roundabout way comprehend what their clients require and permit more individuals have greater chance to become acquainted with their item and utilize their item. Concentrating on know their client and instructing their client will tell an ever increasing number of individuals their new item and structure a propensity for utilizing their new item. On the off chance that CDS effectively, at that point Eli Lilly new item, for example, Match and Insulin pens will have less issue when it deals available. Rather than keep on rival comparable item available, Eli Lilly should search for new chances. Eli Lilly ought to approach their clients what their incentive for the item, how they use it to discover the requirement for client. Additionally Eli Lilly need to ensure their present market. In pharmaceutical industry, when you lost a client, it will be more diligently to understand that client back. At the point when clients change to other medication, it will take client effort to become acclimated to the new medication and once client used to the new medication. They will increase regal to it due to changing expense and inconveniences it may happen. Indeed, even Eli Lilly have pass up on certain chances in diabetes care advertise however its’ attempting to utilizing the assets and new item to recover their bit of leeway to the diabetes care showcase for instance the CDS program will pick up income, new client and open new market for it. Yet, adjacent to CDS program, it would need to set up more items. Also, I do feel that contrast with innovation execution direction, Eli Lilly ought to go with purchasers request direction. Since of the innovation execution direction serious is solid and it couldn't acquire more benefit from it. By changing to customers request direction will give it more pick and openings.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Undercover Angel Follow Your Angel in Disguise
Krangle, Jodi. A Muse’s Interview with Songwriter, Alan O’Day. The Muse’s Muse, n.d. There is not at all like learning the realities about a specific gem from the creator, and the given source offers the joy in plentiful sum. In the meeting, O’Day addresses various inquiries concerning the two his life and wellsprings of motivation; quickly referencing Undercover Angel, the craftsman clarifies what remains behind the song.Advertising We will compose a specially commented on list of sources test on Undercover Angel: Follow Your Angel in Disguise explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More O’Day, Alan. Alan O’Day. Ideal world Artists, n.d. When in doubt, life stories are composed log after the author’s passing and by the least concerned individuals; fortunately, this isn't the situation with the source referenced previously. Composed by Alan himself, the life story of the craftsman doubtlessly doesn't cover the whole life trac k, yet addresses various curious perspectives that would have certainly slipped the consideration of a commonplace memoir author. O’Day, Alan. Individual Thoughts Pics. Alan O’Day, n.d. Sharing his recollections, thoughts, and two or three family pictures, the creator permits the crowd to see behind his stage picture and comprehend the manner in which he makes tunes. In spite of the fact that keep â€Å"Undercover Angel†separate from the edge and concentrating rather on the procedure of melodies creation, â€Å"Personal Thoughts Pics†makes it conceivable to look into the world ay lives in and see what causes him to make. Seida, Linda. Alan O’Day. Life story. All Music, 2012. An increasingly point by point depiction of Day’s life, the history composed by Seida assists with investigating the life of the craftsman and comprehend what occasions could have driven him to composing â€Å"Undercover Angel†just as plunge further into the si gnificance the tune is intended to pass on. It is significant that Seida, in contrast to the remainder of the creators, centers around such angle as the connections of O’Day and the account organization. Leaving the family and individual life gives aside, Seida offers what is extremely basic for assessing O’Day’s work, i.e., the truthful data. Covert Angel †Alan O’Day. Top One Hit Wonders, 2010. The last, however certainly to the least, this short story is vital to the given paper, since it reveals the insight into the melody itself. In contrast to the remainder of the sources, which portray for the most part the writer, leaving perusers to think about what caused him to compose the melody and what its setting is, the given source depicts Undercover Angel in subtleties, which assists with investigating the tune. Works Cited Krangle, Jodi.  A Muse’s Interview with Songwriter, Alan O’Day. The Muse’s Muse, n.d., http://www.muses O’Day, Alan. Alan O’Day. Ideal world Artists, n.d., Looking for commented on list of sources on workmanship and plan? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More O’Day, Alan. Individual Thoughts Pics. Alan O’Day, n.d., Seida, Linda. Alan O’Day. Life story. All Music, 2012, Covert Angel †Alan O’Day. Top One Hit Wonders, 2010. Web. This commented on book index on Undercover Angel: Follow Your Angel in Disguise was composed and put together by client Joslyn Carver to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Philosophy of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Theory of Education - Essay Example Understanding understudies permit the instructor to know their capacity and powerlessness that will empower him address their requirements compelling. The definition that best fits instruction is Plato’s point of view. Plato sees instruction as procedure of getting the detainee out of the cavern and engaging his with the aptitude that will empower him go for individual detainee left in the cavern. This view delineates the idea in all perspective demonstrate what it should top off in an individual and the significance of the changed individual to the general public and the nation on the loose. Eric’s correlation off instruction with esteem additionally draws my consideration (John, 1693). As per him, training like worth and blameless character can't be acknowledged by rebuffing or prize since when the prize won't be guaranteed the understudy won't perform. This paper covers my hypothesis of training, instructional method, social and political part of instruction. In the wake of experiencing such intricate and itemized involvement with Plato’s illustration and different issues, Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics and philosopher’s discharge, I presently accept training is past the word reference definition I knew. I see an understudy as well of lava with the capacity of emit yet deficient with regards to a trigger to actuate the emission. In my understanding, I consider training to as a trigger that can instigate this target. Each individual has the fantasy to achieve; in any case, their latent capacity may not be acknowledged whether the individual does not have the correct data and if the giving methods utilized in conveying this data right. I completely concur with Plato’s perspective on training. His portrayal of instruction in his article Line and cavern catches all the entire procedure of training in precise and visual manner than could be met by any definition. His perspective on training as getting a detainee out of t he cavern jail, and engaging him with the correct data, which will empower him return and lift other detainee adequately spread
Friday, August 21, 2020
U.S. Vs. Japan In WWII Essays - Japan, Free Essays, Term Papers
U.S. Versus Japan In WWII Essays - Japan, Free Essays, Term Papers U.S. versus Japan in WWII On August 6, 1945 the nuclear bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The Enola Gay, guided by Colonel Tibbetts, was picked to make the mission. The strategic recorded as effective by Capt. William S. Parson at 9:20 A.M. This was an incredibly disputable military system in the United States. Was the United States defended in the dropping of the nuclear bomb? Truly, they were defended formany reasons. The essential explanation was, that it would stop the war. How can it be that this war required to be halted so seriously? Despite the fact that somehow or another it was helping our economy, it was exorbitant in both cash and lives. Likewise, the United States fighters were experiencing cruel treatment by the unmerciful Japanese. Another explanation the war should have been halted was to protect ourselves from another assault on U.S. soil, which thus would execute numerous of our U.S. residents. This is the reason the war should have been halted; in this manner, defending the utilization of the nuclear bomb. World War II was the costliest war ever, in terms of lives lost. No definite figures exist, yet around somewhere in the range of 15 and 20 million military work force were murdered. Of these, 292,000 were Americans and 6,000 blameless United States residents were killed by our adversaries. It has been evaluated that if the United States had not dropped the bomb and had attacked Japan rather, the US would have lost around a million warriors. The Japanese self-destructive battling systems enormously affected this number. The Japanese would prefer to kick the bucket than give up. This is exhibited by the skirmish of Saipan. At this fight over half of the number of inhabitants in Saipan strolled off a precipice of giving up to the United States. This was frequently very successful. Ordinarily when a Japanese fighter chose to explode himself as opposed to giving up he would execute numerous Americans with a similar impact. Likewise the kamikaze methods of the Japanese contenders executed numerous fighters. In the event that this war would have proceeded with we could have lost thousands more. Likewise as yet we burned through 300 billion dollars on war endeavors. Numerous materials and different articles were harmed. Any gauge on how much cash was lost in harms would be vain. This number would have kept on rising in the event that it had not been for the utilization of the nuclear bomb. The appalling monstrosities that happened during World War II were unmerciful just as superfluous. During one attack of China, the assault of Nanking, the Japanese slaughtered 100,000 Chinese regular folks. They were singed, butchered, and assaulted. At times the Japanese would tie a major gathering of them together and use them for knife and blade practice. After the fall of Bataan the fighters had to go on a demise walk. During this walk numerous incredible things happened to the fighters. An officer was regularly executed for attempting to get a beverage of water. On the off chance that a warrior tumbled down the Japanese would either blade them or thump them oblivious. When they were thumped oblivious, the Japanese at that point constrained another American trooper to cover the oblivious trooper alive. One warrior once remarked, The most noticeably terrible time was once when an internment casualty with around six crawls of earth over him out of nowhere recaptured cognizance and ripped at out until he was practically sitting upstanding. At that point I figured out how to what length a man will go to cling to his life. The knifes started to push me in the side and I was compelled to slam the fighter over the head with the scoop and at that point complete the process of covering him.(Kappler, Pg. 168) This brutal treatment to guiltless regular citizens and our troopers expected to stop. The nuclear bomb was an approach to stop it. On December 7, 1941, A day that will live in ignominy, Pearl Harbor was intentionally assaulted by the Japanese. Reports demonstrate that 2400 individuals were executed and 1300 were injured. Japan bombarded Pearl Harbor because since that was the place the entirety of our Navy ships were situated. They were planning to take out the Navy and were practically effective. The plane carrying warships were required to be in the harbor, however fortunately were most certainly not. Despite the fact that the assault may have been a military achievement
Saturday, August 8, 2020
How Much Will Treatment for My Eating Disorder Cost
How Much Will Treatment for My Eating Disorder Cost Eating Disorders Treatment Print How Much Will Treatment for My Eating Disorder Cost? Will My Insurance Cover Treatment? By Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS facebook twitter linkedin Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, is a certified eating disorders expert and clinical psychologist who provides cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Learn about our editorial policy Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS Updated on August 12, 2019 baona, iStock, Getty Images Plus. More in Eating Disorders Treatment Symptoms Diagnosis Awareness and Prevention In This Article Table of Contents Expand Levels of Treatment Will Insurance Cover Treatment? Getting Coverage Treatment Without Insurance View All Back To Top When seeking treatment for an eating disorder, two of the first questions that often arise are: “How much will treatment cost?â€â€œHow will I pay for treatment?†The answers to these seemingly simple questions depend on a great many variables. Eating disorders are complex illnesses that present with a number of psychiatric, medical and nutritional issues. Treatment needs will vary based on the severity of these various factors. Patients often require coordinated care from several health care professionals. As a result, treatment for eating disorders can often be very expensive. Given this reality, it is not surprising that the vast majority of people in the United States who are suffering from eating disorders do not receive any treatment at all. Yet, a better understanding of the options as well as how to advocate for yourself or your family member with an eating disorder can help you access help. Levels of Treatment One of the first factors affecting the cost is determining what level of care you need. The more intensive the treatment you require, the more expensive it is. For example, being hospitalized in a hospital or medical center is going to be the most costly; as you progress to less intensive levels of treatment (generally: residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, outpatient), the cost decreases. Overnight facility stays are the most expensive: in addition to care from more professionals, the cost includes room and board... Medical centers have even higher costs because of the nursing and medical specialists involved in care. One inpatient eating disorder program in the US charged an average daily cost of $2,295 in 2015; its partial hospitalization program charged $1,567. A residential program charged on average $30,000 per month in 2010. Consider that many patients may require three or more months of treatment. Lengths of stay also vary considerablyâ€"patients may require anywhere from a few days to several months of treatment at different levels. While every patient’s experience is unique, the far greater expense of treatment at the higher levels often results in patients spending relatively less time at the higher levels of treatment and more time at the lower levels. It is an unfortunate state of affairs in the US that many treatments are cut short by insurers that limit stays in the higher levels of care. An Overview of Eating Disorder Treatments Will Insurance Cover My Treatment? If you are fortunate enough to have health insurance, the next question you have will be whether insurance will cover your treatment. This question has similarly complex answers. Treatment in medical hospitals or university health centers is usually covered under a patient’s medical health benefits. Typically only short-term stays for medical reasons (unstable heart rate, etc.) are covered. Treatment at residential centers and all the lower levels of care is typically provided under a person’s mental health benefits. The first residential eating disorder treatment program opened in 1985. In the 1990s, as managed care started to dramatically shorten hospital stays for eating disorders, other residential centers soon followed to fill the treatment gap. Patients with eating disorders are increasingly receiving treatment at this level of care, partly in response to changes in federal law. The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act Signed into federal legislation in 2008, this law requires insurance companies to provide coverage for mental health and substance use disorders that is equivalent to that for physical health problems. For example, the law requires that insurers do not set behavioral health visit copays higher than medical visit copays at the same level of care. The parity law also impacts treatment limits, mostly eliminating the annual session caps that used to be common among mental health programs. The Anna Westin Act Passed by Congress in 2015 as part of the 21st Century Cures Act in December 2016, further clarified that residential treatment for eating disorders was intended to be covered as part of the parity law. Getting Insurance to Pay for Treatment: What to Know You must become familiar with your insurance policy or health benefit plan. Request a copy from your employer or insurance company if you don’t have one. Understand your coverage for the different levels of care. Call your insurance company and ask for a list of facilities and/or outpatient providers who are in-network. In-network providers and facilities are contracted directly with your insurerâ€"they will be the least expensive option. Determine whether you have a large deductible to meet before the insurer starts to contribute to the cost of care and whether after this contribution begins you will have a copayâ€"the portion of the stay or sessions you are expected to pay directly. You can then call facilities and providers and ask them for your treatment options. If you can find an-in network provider who is contracted with your insurance company, this will always be a cheaper option. However, be aware that many therapists who specialize in eating disorders do not accept insurance. Balancing the competing priorities of provider competence and cost of care can be tricky. If your outpatient provider will not bill insurance directly, some will provide a superbill that you can submit to your insurance company in order to seek partial reimbursement for the cost of a session. If you can’t find a facility or provider who accepts your insurance, you can also request a single-case agreement from your insurer. This allows your insurance company to treat the facility or provider as if they were in-network and pay their fee for your treatment. This is not guaranteed â€"achieving this can require a lot of advocacy on behalf of yourself or your family member. You should be prepared to take on your insurer to advocate for you or your loved one’s care. Sometimes insurance companies will refuse to pay for necessary treatment or will prematurely curtail treatment. It is common for insurers to demand discharge once a patient’s weight begins to improve. They may do this without looking at the complete clinical pictureâ€"weight restoration is of course only one short leg of the journey towards recovery. In such cases, your providers can appeal on your behalf. You may even need to sue the insurance company to get them to pay for your treatment. If you or a loved one is struggling to secure treatment for an eating disorder, visit to learn about your rights and get connected to resources for filing an appeal and issuing a complaint against your health plan. Regarding publicly-funded programs throughout the US, there is a shortage of specialized treatment for eating disorders. Medicare and Medicaid providers at all levels of care are often limited. Many plans cover acute medical hospitalization but not lower levels of care. Few outpatient providers accept public insurance. Getting Treatment if You Dont Have Health Insurance Free and Low-Cost Eating Disorder Treatment Eating disorder treatment is notoriously expensive. For many patients, this is a huge barrier. However, there are other options: University research programs may provide low-cost treatment in exchange for participation in clinical research. You can reach out to major research universities and inquire about research studies.Community mental health centers and low-cost counseling centers can provide treatment but may lack providers with specialized training.Support groups can also provide support to those who are unable to access treatment. The National Eating Disorder Association has a list of low-cost options including support groups.Web-centered, app-centered, and workbook-centered self-help and guided self-help options can be helpful as well.Treatment scholarships are provided directly by some treatment centers. Project Heal is an organization that provides treatment scholarships to various treatment centers around the country.Family-based treatment (FBT) for adolescent eating disorders is sometimes an alternative to more costly residential treatment for teens. In FBT, a lot of the treatment is task-shifted to the parents who are charged with renourishing their teen and interrupting eating disorder behaviors. Get Treatment With the 9 Best Online Therapy Programs Other Resources: The Alliance for Eating Disorder Awareness has an interactive treatment finder tool that includes eating disorder treatment options at all levels of care. You can also search for programs that accept Medicare and Medicaid. A Word from Verywell Financial barriers to treatment are real. It’s tough enough to be struggling with an eating disorder and having to worry about affording treatment adds another layer of stress and difficulty to the problem. But doing your research and advocating for yourself or your family member with an eating disorder can help you to get needed help. An Overview of Eating Disorders
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
How to Use Content Marketing in Real Estate
You've built a great website and have an impressive email database, and you've even built a decent following for your brand by following tips you've read in real estate marketing guides. Now you want to know what content you need to keep you at the front of the pack. Related: Real estate brandingâ€â€a comprehensive guide First, while it's true Google likes fresh content, mediocre fresh content will not help you. Prospective clients look for informative, valuable or entertaining content that prioritizes high-quality visual design. If you're searching for ways to do that, here are our tips on how to post great real estate content for your audience. Why content marketing in real estate? Content marketing is a valuable tool for building up brand awareness and driving leads. Blog posts optimized to show up in search engines can drive organic traffic to your website saving you from paying for ads and media buys month after month. Building up a presence on social media as a skilled real estate agent can help drive referrals and help potential clients to think of you the next time they are considering buying or selling a home. Generating real estate content marketing ideas In content marketing quality is better than quantity. Agents will see a much higher return on investment by focusing on generating content that potential business leads will be interested in. Before sitting down and coming up with a list of ideas, think about what your overall content strategy will be. How will potential business leads find your content? Some common channels include: Search engine optimization (SEO) Social media Communities such as Facebook groups Content co-creation By selecting one or two channels to focus on you will be better able to come up with content ideas that will perform well. If you are focusing on SEO, use keyword research tools such as SpyFu, Ahrefs or the Google Ads planner to identify topics people search for that are relevant to your industry. If you’re focusing on social media, communities or co-creation, get to know what members frequently discuss and brainstorm content you can create that will be relevant and useful to that audience. Hire a good writer We've all been drawn to some click-baity content at some point, often because we're drawn in by an enticing headline. By now, however, most of us realize that anything that claims to be jaw-dropping (like "You won't believe what happened to this third grader when he opened his lunch") isn't actually worth clicking. Your real estate clients want content with more substanceâ€â€information that relates directly to the industryâ€â€and to get that, you need to find a good copywriter. You might already have a talented writer on staff who knows how to write good articles about rent rates, homeownership and mortgage financing. Otherwise, you can reach out to a PR firm or real estate marketing agency that specializes in content. What should you publish? Whether you're marketing an apartment unit in Chicago, Illinois, or a New York City micro-apartment, the place to start is with website copy, blogs and newsletters. If your website has been around for a few years, make sure it's up-to-date and that the copy is fresh. Publish a blog post at least once a week, and make it better than all the regurgitated content out there. Newsletters can help you spread the word, and there are still many real estate pros who send newsletters by snail mail. For a look at a few shining examples in the real estate industry, check out this list of the top real estate blogs. Once you’ve mastered the basics, remember content marketing is more than just blogging. Visual content such as infographics, photos and videos perform well on social media and can better communicate ideas that are difficult to describe. Repurposing a blog post into an infographic or video is also a great way to spruce up your email marketing and send engaging content to readers who don’t have time to read an entire blog post. Long-form content such as ebooks or webinars are also effective lead generation tools. Provide a guide to buying your first home or investing in a rental property and ask for a name and email to access it. Then place your new contacts in an email campaign and nurture those leads into your next client. What should you say? Your website should clearly and cleverly explain who you are and what you do. Blogs can cover a variety of subjects that your clients are interested in, like: Saving energy Lawn care tips Home winterization Interest rate trends Financing pitfalls Your newsletters should be more specific, covering: New listings Market trends Financing trends Economic projections Recent sales Each month, you can highlight a relevant, timely subject like: Summer pest control Preventative HVAC maintenance Cleaning out the gutters Lawnmower winterization Remember: You're the expert A client who's trusting a real estate agent to sell their home or purchase a new one will feel far more comfortable if you can show you know the neighborhood inside and out. That's why your content should cover local interests like reviews of new restaurants, lists of local daycare centers, and articles about any subject that make it clear you thoroughly understand the community. Expert guides are a great way to establish credibility. Try researching and writing about things like: How to finance your first home Cleaning up your credit score What to do after your offer has been accepted Avoiding the bad-faith offer How to market your first property Marketing tools you must use as a real estate agent Key takeaway: Content rules It's a digital world, and content is king. While there's still plenty of room for traditional marketing, most of your content will be published online. Make sure it's timely, well-written, and of course, original. Most of all, your content should be engaging and informative. If you can provide value to your readers, they'll remember you any time they need your services, because you've already established yourself as a professional who they can trust. Learn more about building a strong brand with this free guide to real estate branding.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
People Not Ready, Request One Week - 1166 Words
In the fall, prosecutors offered him a new deal: if he pleaded guilty, he’d get two and a half years in prison, which meant that, with time served, he could go home soon. â€Å"Ninety-nine out of a hundred would take the offer that gets you out of jail,†O’Meara told me. â€Å"He just said, ‘Nah, I’m not taking it.’ He didn’t flinch. Never talked about it. He was not taking a plea.†Meanwhile, Browder kept travelling from Rikers to the Bronx courthouse and back again, shuttling between two of New York City’s most dysfunctional bureaucracies, each system exacerbating the flaws of the other. With every trip Browder made to the courthouse, another line was added to a growing stack of index cards kept in the court file: June 29, 2012: People not†¦show more content†¦In the next twelve months, DiMango disposed of a thousand cases, some as old as five years. Judge DiMango explained to Browder, â€Å"If you go to trial and lose, you could get up to fifteen.†Then she offered him an even more tempting deal: plead guilty to two misdemeanorsâ€â€the equivalent of sixteen months in jailâ€â€and go home now, on the time already served. â€Å"If you want that, I will do that today,†DiMango said. â€Å"I could sentence you today. . . . It’s up to you.†â€Å"I’m all right,†Browder said. â€Å"I did not do it. I’m all right.†â€Å"You are all right?†DiMango said. â€Å"Yes,†he said. â€Å"I want to go to trial.†Back at Rikers, other prisoners were stunned. â€Å"You’re bugging,†they told him. â€Å"You’re stupid. If that was me, I would’ve said I did it and went home.†Browder knew that it was a gamble; even though he was innocent, he could lose at trial. â€Å"I used to go to my cell and lie down and think, like, Maybe I am crazy; maybe I am going too far,†he recalled. â€Å"But I just did what I thought was right.†On May 29th, the thirty-first court date on Browder’s case, there was another development. DiMango peered down from the bench. â€Å"The District Attorney is really in a position right now where they cannot proceed,†she said. â€Å"It is their intention to dismiss the case.†She explained that this could not officially happen until the next court date, which ended upShow MoreRelatedComparative Analysis Poetry Paper1179 Words  | 5 PagesThe time and effort put into making this bird cage has great morality results for Balthazar. Being the most beautiful bird cage people in the village has ever seen, Balthazar’s pride and extravagant praise boosts up and he is full of confidence. Ready for delivery and payment Balthazar takes it over to the boys house and finds out the parents do not approve or such request made by their young son. Deeply devastated by the refusal of the boys parents Balthazar finds his self-pride and decides to giveRead MoreBeer Game15 21 Words  | 7 PagesBullwhip Effect Through the numerous stages of a supply chain; key factors such as time and supply of order decisions, demand for the supply, lack of communication and disorganization can result in one of the most common problems in supply chain management. This common problem is known as the bullwhip effect; also sometimes the whiplash effect. In this blog post we will explain this concept and outline some of the contributing factors to this issue. [pic] TheRead MoreErik Peterson Part a and B1719 Words  | 7 Pagesdelayed the first deadline on February 1st to begin our service. However I have submitted the revised turn-on of April 1st to headquarters. I, now with only 3 weeks left to the new deadline, have to prepare an effective plan and solve major issues in order to meet the second turn-on deadline. Moreover, I have to discuss my plan in 3 weeks’ time with Chip Knight, director of pre-operating system from our parent corporation, Cellular Communication Services, Inc. (CelluComm), Dashiell Harper, VP ofRead MoreEssay956 Words  | 4 Pagesprepared, to be ready, that we find through our readings from last week and this. Last week we heard those famous lines from John, which have been recalled so many times and places where someone has been prepared to go the extra mile, to sacrifice so much for their faith, or beliefs, or for another person, as we remembered the preparedness of those during wartime who gave their lives, and freedoms and futures for ours, â€Å"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for ones friends†. Read MoreThe Treatment Of Physician Assisted Suicide1025 Words  | 5 PagesHaving a terminally ill family member is hard because you know the days, weeks and months are numbered. Quality of life, what is that anyway? Each passing hour has the quality of life diminishing to unimaginable physical pain and anguish. Watching someone you love slip away and turn into a shell of who they once were is unbearable. This invitation is special. This special day and every precious hour will give the loved ones a time to say goodbye just before they die with dignity in physician assistedRead MoreEssay on Parents ´ Negligence Leads to Child Obesity863 Words  | 4 PagesAs many people may have already noticed, child and teen obesity has become a greater problem in the United States. Could child and teen obesity be a reflection of a parent’s negligence? Many families don’t have time to cook nutritional meals, which causes many families to eat out nearly more than once a w eek. School cooked lunches aren’t exactly healthy either and many choices children make, parents don’t know about. Also, the media has a big impact on how child and teens eat. When children seeRead MoreAbortion : A Controversial Issue1256 Words  | 6 Pagesvery controversial issue. To first start out abortion is the deliberate termination of a woman’s pregnancy, most often performed within the first 22 weeks of pregnancy. People can either be pro-choice or pro-life for abortion. Being pro-choice means that people believe that it is a woman’s choice to get an abortion if they want one. Pro-life means people believe no matter what if a woman is pregnant they should have the baby; no abortion. I intent to explain why women who get pregnant should have theRead MoreSwot Analysis : The Food Industry1465 Words  | 6 Pagesrespectful human resource audits to search for the best way to produce positive motivation towards its employees. According to the b usiness dictionary, they explain motivation as, â€Å"Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal†(Business Dictionary). Managers lean toward using the Human Resource Audit because their jobs consist of monitoring staff treatment, whichRead MoreMetabical: Pricing, Packaging, and Demand Forecasting for a New Weight-Loss Drug636 Words  | 3 Pagesweight-loss drugs were approved for use in both obese (BMI gt;30) and severely obese (BMIgt;40) individuals.  Metabical is a dual-layer formulation: the first layer contained an appetite suppressant and the second one a fat blocker and calorie absorption agent meditonan.  It helped people to lose weight, but also, it helped with behavior modification and healthier eating habits.  2)     Printup (the protagonist) suggested various methods for forecasting demand. What are the strengths and weaknessesRead MoreCambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals ( Csp ) Essay1720 Words  | 7 Pagesactively trying to lose weight, and 15 percent are comfortable using prescription drugs to help reach their weight-loss goals. Out of these respondents, 12 percent said they would immediately make an appointment with their health care provider and request a prescription. The ideal Metabical consumer was determined by Printup and found to be overweight college-educated females ages 35 to 65. To see how potential customers would respond to Metabical, Printup decided to project demand using three approaches
Monday, May 18, 2020
It s 1542, You, And Your Fair Maiden, Or Shiny Armored...
It’s 1542. You, and your fair maiden, or shiny-armored knight, have been betrothed. Immediately, you begin to contemplate how soon you two should be starting a family. Quickly after your marriage ceremony ends, you give birth to your first baby. However, baby number one passes in his first six months. After a short period of grieving--maybe a week or two--you and your beloved pop another chitlin out. This one seems to be doing okay! It’s been nine months and she hasn’t contracted pneumonia or smallpox yet. Even so, one child is not enough--there are two of you, so, in order to neutralize the population and keep your lineage well established, you must bear at least six or seven children, praying that at least two will survive. Now, it’s 2015. You, and your yellow-sundress-clad girlfriend, or patterned-button-up-wearing boyfriend, have finally been engaged. After marriage, and perhaps a few years of wanderlust, you begin to contemplate how soon you two should be starting a family. But it’s not 1542 anymore. Nowadays, death is an ordeal saved exclusively for the elderly. The world is different. Society is different. The economy is different. And the problems that once were far, far off on the horizon are now here. We are on the horizon we had thought to be so far off. As the population nears its bursting point, all members of society must begin to consider an interesting set of new moral questions. Above all, individuals must discover their role in the perpetuation of our
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Using the French Expression Ça Va in Conversation
The expression à §a va (pronounced sah vah) is one of the most common phrases in French. Improve your skills by learning the correct way to use the phrase à §a va in a sentence or dialogue. Meaning of Ça Va Literally translated, à §a va means it goes. Used in casual conversation, it can be both a question and a reply, but its an informal expression. You probably wouldnt want to ask your boss or a stranger this question unless the setting was casual. But if youre speaking with people whom you know, such as family and friends, à §a va is perfectly acceptable. Asking a Question One of the most common uses of à §a va is as a greeting or to ask how someone is doing. For example: Salut, Guy, à §a va? / Hi, Guy, hows it going?Comment à §a va? / Hows it going? The expression can also be used with a subject or object. Note that the phrase doesnt vary. No change is necessary for a plural subject: Ça va les filles? / Hows it going, girls?Ça va le nouvel ordi? / Hows the new computer working? You can also use the phrase to ask whether something just discussed is acceptable: On va partir vers midi, à §a va? / Well leave around noon, is that OK? Does that work for you? Using Ça Va in Conversation You can answer any of the previous examples as well as any similar questions with à §a va in conversations. The dialogue below provides an example of how to use the phrase when talking informally with a friend or acquaintance. The sentences are listed in French on the left followed by the English translation. Ça va, Marc? / Hows it going, Marc?Oui, à §a va. / Fine.Tu vas bien, Andrà ©? / Are you OK, Andrà ©?Ça va. / Yes, Im OK.Il faut à ªtre prà ªt dans une heure, à §a va ? / You have to be ready in an hour, OK?Ça va. / OK. The expression à §a va can also be an exclamation: Oh! Ça va! / Hey, thats enough! Other Uses Ça va plus an infinitive can mean simply it will. This construction can be useful when youre speaking about something that will occur, but you dont know precisely when. For instance: Ça va venir / Itll happen, it will come. Ça va plus an indirect object pronoun means, That looks good on ___, or It suits ___. For instance, a pair of friends shopping for clothes might have this exchange: Ça te va (bien) / That suits you.Ça lui va bien / That looks good on him/her. Variations of Ça Va The table below provides a few other ways to use à §a va. The first column gives the sentence with à §a va in French, while the second column provides the English translation. French English Translation Ça va aller? Will it be OK? Will that work? Ça va aller It will be OK. Ça va bien? Is it going well? Are you doing well? Ça va bien It's going well. I'm doing well. Ça va mal It's going badly. I'm not doing so well. Ça (ne) va pas It's not going well. It's not OK. Practice using à §a va with another student working to learn the language and youll soon be using this important French phrase like a native speaker.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Meaning of The Mind and Soul Essay - 852 Words
Death and immortality Since the times of Plato and before, humans have pondered the existence of a soul and the afterlife. I am going to present my argument for the existence of a soul and the potential for surviving ones physical death. For the purpose of my argument I will define that the meaning of the mind and soul are one and the same. The two main accepted views of the human condition are that of the physicalist and that of the dualist. The physicalist views the human condition in a purely physical state. That is to say that the human mind and consciousness is confined to the human body, and thus when the body dies so does the mind. The dualist view holds that the human condition is made up of two parts. The first part being the†¦show more content†¦Since there is definitely some close interactions between the body and mind, why do we need to make the distinction between the two as being separate from one another? The answer to this lies in the very nature of the human mind and its ability to think and reflect on issues that are not required for the body to exist. The body is supplied with everything it needs to survive. We have hands and feet that allow us to gather and eat food, eyes that allow us to see, and the physical need to reproduce to continue the species. These are all attributes that are common among all living things and thus, the only attributes needed to survive, but the mind requires much more than just the basis of survival. We crave things which are not necessary to our survival, such as knowledge, passion, and the ability to question our very existence. This is by definition the duality of our nature and therefore is why we can identify two distinct parts. We can also look at the properties that make up a human being in two distinct ways. We have physical properties that consist of size, weight, and place in space and time. We also have mental properties that cannot be used to describe other physical objects, such as consciousness which includes per ceptual and emotional experiences, and intentionality which consist of beliefs, desires and the ability to plan (Robison). It can be argued that theseShow MoreRelatedCartesian Dualism And The Body Essay1009 Words  | 5 Pagesmany people have really thought about what the mind is? How is the mind connected to the body? Are they two separate things or are the body and the mind the same thing? There are different theories to answer these questions. A philosopher, Descarte, believes in Cartesian Dualism, which is that the mind and body both exist, but are two distinct things: physical stuff and mental stuff. The mind is not located in physical space and is an immaterial soul, whereas the body is a physical being and theseRead MorePlatos Five Dialogues Of The Mind, Body And Body1167 Words  | 5 PagesThere is a mind-body problem that many philosophers try to solve. This problem can be simply stated in a question: what is the relationship between mind and body, mind and matter, or soul and body? One â€Å"answer†to this problem is the dualistic view which Plato had. Dualism can be defined as the division of something, such as the soul and body, in two different aspects. Dualists believe the soul and body are joined together but are two separate entities. It is understood that the soul and body areRead MoreThe Naturalists Of American Literature1087 Words  | 5 PagesNaturalists of American Literature Henry David Thoreau tests the ideas of Ralph Waldo Emerson by living at a place known as Walden Pond. Here at Walden Pond, Thoreau discovers that in a physical aspect, nature brings a deepness into our minds and into our souls. One’s imagination is uplifted, and this changes a person’s entire perspective of life. Both Thoreau and Emerson believed that nature forces people to not have to depend on others ideas. People are able to develop their own ideas in a moreRead MoreThe Biblical Interpretation Of Exodus And Song Of Solomon 793 Words  | 4 Pagesthe most difficult book to interpret and often be interpreted as an allegory. 1. Spirit, soul, body trichotomy allegorical interpretation Spirit, soul, and body trichotomy had a great impact on the Chinese Christian theology. Human nature was composed of spirit, soul and body. The difference between body and soul was obvious, and the difference between soul and spirit was: soul means a person s will, mind and emotions, but spirit was more abstract, meant an ability of knowing God, or a spiritualRead MoreAn Ageing Body934 Words  | 4 Pagesviewed by my peers) are restricted to the limitations of an ageing body. So what is the â€Å"real me.†? I’m thinking of my spirit, my soul or indeed my source of mental energy. Call it what you will but it is not finite, it lives on when the body can no longer sustain it’s physical well being. I like the notion of an interacting energy, rather than that of a soul. The word soul conveys a feeling of a self contained unit, independent of all influences other than the body it supposedly inhabits. Energy onRead MoreThe Theory Of The Forms Figures Into Plato s / Socrates Reflections1471 Words  | 6 Pagesthat the soul exists and must always exist. Although, his complete conception of Forms is not captured in the Phaedo, We can still use this dialectic to address his arguments. In this paper, I will attempt to describe the Forms. To do this, I will detail the properties of the Forms and what they are meant to do. Then, I will explain how the concept of the Forms figures into Plato’s/Socrates’ reflections. Socrates uses t he concept of forms to construct an argument to conclude that the soul must existRead MoreThe Biblical Interpretation Of Exodus Andsong Of Solomon 1336 Words  | 6 Pagesallegory. 1. An allegorical interpretation based on trichotomy of human nature: Spirit, soul, body The trichotomy of human nature theory had a great impact on the Chinese Christian theology. It believed that human nature was trichotomous, composed of spirit, soul and body. The difference between the body and the soul was obvious, and the difference between the soul and spirit is: the soul includes of the will, mind and emotions; but the spirit refers to an ability of knowing God, or a spiritual natureRead MoreAnalysis Of Bonaventure s The Journey Of The Mind1125 Words  | 5 PagesIn Bonaventure’s The Journey of the Mind to God, chapters 3-4 the author continues with the steps in the Ascent to God by the consideration of God through his image that is imprinted on our natural powers and by the consideration of God in his image reformed through the gifts of grace. The third and fourth steps deal with the image of God in the mind. In the third step the soul is said to be turning away from consideration of visible things to itself as the image of God. Through memory, inte lligenceRead MoreCompare and contrast two beliefs about life after death. Assess which of these two views may provide a stronger philosophical basis for belief in life after death?1418 Words  | 6 Pagesphilosophers disagree on the meaning of end of life as many people agree on death as the end of our existence however while others argue that we continue in some form after death. Many ideas relating to our existence after death include; the continuation of our genes thought our descendants, immortality of the soul, resurrection of the body, reincarnation and the idea that we live on in memories of others. Many religious beliefs are based on the idea that humans possess a soul or spirit which existsRead MoreThe Mind-Body Problem Essay1204 Words  | 5 Pagesneuroscience, this has proven to be strong evidence in supporting materialism. By defining what Cartesian dualists and materialists mean by the ‘brain’, ‘mind’, ‘body’ and ‘soulà ¢â‚¬â„¢, an argument on behalf of Cartesians dualists will be reached, that responds to evidence concerning brain injuries with the claims that the brain is only ‘an instrument of the soul’. This will lead to the conclusion that there is stronger contemporary support for materialism due to neuroscience and that the Cartesian dualism argument
A Critique on Raphael Free Essays
A Critique on Raphael Raphael was a very unique and admirable artist; however, he had many affairs, Michelangelo also disliked Raphael and thought his art was absurd and many others came to see his influence as harmful. Raphael was engaged to Maria Beanie but never had the chance to marry. From the beginning he was never interested in this engagement and he found entertainment with his mistress, Margarita Lute. We will write a custom essay sample on A Critique on Raphael or any similar topic only for you Order Now During the time of his death he had written a will which left sufficient funds for the care of his mistress. He left his studio and trust to his friends. Despite his â€Å"engagement†, Raphael was a womanlier. He said that his mistress had to live with him because, â€Å"no sex, no frescoes†, if he didn’t get what he wanted then no one will get what they want. The cause of his death was unknown to many but some say that he died because of his courtship with Margarita Lute several days before his death and obtained a certain disease and was treated for another and later died of the wrong cure. Raphael became an icon of lust. He later started painting nude portraits, which lead to Michelangelo having a keen dislike towards Raphael. Raphael had looked up to Michelangelo for the longest time and has been inspired by him numerous times. He has also gotten ideas for new paintings from the inspiration of the great Leonardo Advance like, â€Å"The Young Lady with Unicorn†, this particular picture was inspired by Advancing, Mona Lisa. After his death Picasso had painted a series of pornographic paintings depicting Raphael and Margarita Lute making love with Michelangelo hiding underneath the bed. Repeal’s art will forever live on and will most definitely have a magnificently Jaw dropping story behind it. Being an icon of lust and Michelangelo having a severe hate towards him really helped him discover what he really truly wanted to paint. He merely told a story of his life through his art and his affairs, he says were with the love of his life. Not only will people remember him for his works of art such as â€Å"The School of Athens†, but they will also remember him as a man with a titillate passion for love. How to cite A Critique on Raphael, Papers
The Commonwealth Bank Of Australia Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Commonwealth Bank Of Australia. Answer: Benefits of Organisational Learning The benefits of organisational learning at Commonwealth Bank of Australia include the following: Productivity picks up Expanded profitability Expanded benefit Diminished employee turnover, as worker fulfillment levels rise and dependability and duty is expanded Increasing current standards by making a non-stop change mentality, shared proprietorship for ventures and shared responsibility for comes about. Improvements to People Individuals are a critical piece of the quality framework. They should be evaluated and prepared on the most recent necessities of process and item quality as required by the clients and market (Moradi-Motlagh, 2015). Individuals arrangement and improvement for work productivity should be possible deliberately through assessing employees' aptitudes, preparing to fill the recognised holes and engaging employees. Improvements to Process Process reviews and factual process control are two vital devices that specialists can use for process observing. Reviews are great devices for checking a framework and catching up with remedial activities in insufficient zones. The ISO 9000 quality administration review and the ISO 22000 sustenance health reviews are advantageous apparatuses; in any case, these reviews are expansive based and may not give the required profundity of examining for close process observing. A procedure review that spotlights on the real organisation process and covers all territories of an organisation's operations is a superior analytic apparatus to evaluate the soundness of the organisation's procedures (Schlagwein, 2014). Improvements to Products Checking item quality is imperative, particularly when the item is devoured. A vigorous framework ought to have item assessment systems to address the accompanying necessities: The assessment is finished in view of client and universal benchmarks. The client necessities are continually observed and item quality is refreshed in view of criticism. Customer grumblings and non-conformance are tended to in a deliberate way utilising Six Sigma to distinguish main drivers and restorative activities. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia ought to take part in modifying item details on a nonstop premise in view of client and market prerequisites. Improvements to Organisation Performance There is dependably opportunity to get better, particularly in an organisation that needs to remain unmistakable, reasonable and keep up its focused edge. Perceiving the present qualities and capacities of the workforce is as basic as recognising their undiscovered potential to accept administration positions, take part in group building exercises, practice activity and grow better relational abilities (Akhtaruzzaman, 2014). In show, these components not just add to a more compelling and durable association yet may likewise enhance workers' individual execution levels. The initial phase in enhancing any association is setting up and upholding the idea that there are not diverse arrangements of principles that oversee the exercises of administrators and subordinates (Schlagwein, 2014). Administrators must be considered similarly as responsible for their own particular slip-ups and deficiencies as any individual who works for them keeping in mind the end goal to encourage a solid and honest work environment. It is likewise basic to debilitate chatter, address gossipy titbits previously they heighten to distrustfulness and remain touchy to input on what the organisation could be improving the situation. Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate duty takes many structures at Commonwealth Bank of Australia as we consistently hope to have a beneficial outcome through the bank's part in the public arena, its kin and the way the group work together. Guided by the bank's vision to exceed expectations at securing and improving the budgetary prosperity of individuals, organisations and groups, the bank effectively considers the natural, social and financial effects and impact of its business, and search for approaches to utilise its remarkable abilities and assets to make a positive commitment past the centre business (Moradi-Motlagh, 2015). Existing Problems The following problems exist in todays banking industry: Not profiting. Regardless of the greater part of the features about saving money benefit, banks and monetary establishments still are not making enough degree of profitability, or the arrival on value that investors require. Customer desires. Nowadays it is about the client encounter, and many banks are feeling weight since they are not conveying the level of administration that buyers are requesting. Administrative weight. Administrative prerequisites proceed to increment, and banks need to spend a vast piece of their optional spending plan on being agreeable, and on building frameworks and procedures to stay aware of the heightening necessities. Recommendations Based on the profitability, customer desires and administrative issues facing the banking industry and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, the following recommendations have been made to overcome them; To overcome the cyclical profitability due to existing low-interest rates, the bank should increase the share of Commission's income and fees. Likewise, the bank should expand its non-interest income assets (Coleman, 2017, p. 23). Improve the cost efficiency. The bank should acknowledge the fact that customers are shifting to the digital platforms. Therefore, the bank should apply this as a cost efficiency strategy. For example, the bank should improve its multi-channel distribution capacity, and rationalize its retail network (Smyth, 2016, p. 32). The bank ought to invest in the IT infrastructure which would enhance product distribution and customer base. The recommendation would lead cost efficiency in the long run. To meet customers desires and expectations, the banks should. First, provide more personalization experience to the customers. Offering a one-on-one interaction between the customers and their desired products will leave them satisfied. Second, providing more options. Customers want self- service, social and digital platforms. Third, maintain constant with the customers (Group of Thirty, 2015, p. 33). Fourth, Listen to the customers and quickly respond to them. And, five offering and controlling the front line services more efficiently. Generally, the bank should focus more on the nature and manner in which the customers are being treated unless the bank want to lose thousands of its customers. The bank should adopt a flexible and complementary tools and regulatory approaches. The approaches would allow laying of solid foundations to implement administrative tools that are adaptable in different markets and jurisdictions. These tools would allow addressing continuous changes in the banks system in the long term (Financial Stability Board, 2014, p. 13). Giving more attention to the tools, would ensure that the bank is in a better position to overcome the administrative challenges. Lastly, the reduction of the frequent alteration of the administrative rules will lead to greater regulatory and administrative certainties. Conclusion The success of any organization is based on how effective it relates to all of its stakeholders. Each of the stakeholders has a vital role to play in the organizational processes and procedures. Success or failure to collaborate the strategies determine the profitability and effectiveness of the organization. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia should take advantage of technological advancement to get closer to the customers and other interested parties. Customers are looking for more personalized services which can only be achieved by investing in the IT platform. Conversely, changing to flexible and complementary administrative approaches will ensure flexible smooth transitional of processes and compliance with the financial system regulations within a given jurisdiction. References Akhtaruzzaman, M., Shamsuddin, A. and Easton, S., 2014. Dynamic correlation analysis of spill-over effects of interest rate risk and return on Australian and US financial firms.Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money,31, pp.378-396. Moradi-Motlagh, A., Valadkhani, A. and Saleh, A.S., 2015. Rising efficiency and cost saving in Australian banks: A bootstrap approach.Applied Economics Letters,22(3), pp.189-194. Schlagwein, D., Thorogood, A. and Willcocks, L.P., 2014. How Commonwealth Bank of Australia Gained Benefits Using a Standards-Based, Multi-Provider Cloud Model.MIS Quarterly Executive,13(4). Coleman, D., 2017. Four major banks face further parliamentary scrutiny, Sydney: TimeBase. Financial Stability Board, 2014. Guidance on Supervisory Interaction with Financial Institutions on Risk Culture: A Framework for Assessing Risk Culture, s.l.: s.n. Group of Thirty, 2015. Banking conduct and culture: A call for sustained and comprehensive reform, s.l.: s.n. Smyth, J., 2016. Australia toughens up on errant bankers, Sydney: Financial Times.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Critical Thinking in Academic Writing-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss the relevance of critical thinking in academic writing. Answer: Introduction: Critical thinking serves to be the fundamental aspect for academic writing. It connotes to the formation of judgment through an objective analysis of facts and serves to be a very important element in all professional fields and academic disciplines. The process of critical thinking helps in the careful acquisition and interpretation of information that enables to reach to a well-justified conclusion. The thinking process delves into the clear conceptualizing, synthesizing, applying and evaluating information that is rational and open-minded and helps to get an unbiased conclusion. The disciplined process of thinking emphasizes commitment in reasoning to formulate beliefs and understanding. With reflective skepticism the process does not aim to solve problems, rather it helps to improve ones process of thinking. The concept of critical thinking has been further broadened with inclusion of concepts and processes such as reflection, empathy, imagination and others. All these aspects he lp in the critical thinking processes, however, reasoning in the thinking process serve to be the core connotation of Critical thinking. Discussion: Critical thinking for academic writing, the Concept- It is commonly considered that the evidence of critical thinking as portrayed through argumentation serves to be central to successful academic writing. The concept of critical thinking though serves to be a bit confusing at times. The nature of critical thinking is quite difficult to apprehend and many students, apart from professional writers feel it very difficult to implement a critical dimension in their writing. They have a comprehensive understanding of critical thinking that serves to be the basis of any appropriate academic writing. Insufficient subject knowledge, uncertainties in demonstrating an argument and various other issues sums to problems regarding critical thinking. However, critical thinking being the central requirement for any desired writing outcome needs all writers or students to acknowledge it for effective writings (Kettler, 2014). Academic writing has greater value for the aspect of critical writing that accounts to research and analysis that every student or writer needs to instill in order to provide a good writing. Though the definition of critical thinking has been complex over the times, it is observed as a cognitive skill relating to rational approach and judgment of a context in the broader sense, which has a greater connotation of reflexive skepticism. The process of thinking helps students and the writers engaged in academic writing to incorporate the central activity of presenting reasons to support the claim or argument that they make. This results to a logical argumentation that ensures the validity of the entire outcome. Critical thinking helps the academic writers to identify the various issues and assumptions for the matter they will be dealing with, to determine the important relationships and make the correct reference and deduce right conclusions. Importance of Critical thinking in Academic writing- Academic writing is the style of expressing ones own expertise in various subjects that define the intellectual depth of the expert as well as the discipline that he/she has been dealing with. It requires precise study and research of the particular subject for which critical thinking serves to be very effective and useful. In academic writing, one has to deal with various academic fields that include sociological thoughts, political thoughts, historical thoughts, thoughts relating to the branch of sciences and all the other fields of study (Dias et al., 2013). Thus, the principles of critical thinking are universal and applying those to a particular subject includes a process of reflection and contextualization. Critical thinking includes an elaborate understanding of the subject and thus, it easily identifies the bias, propaganda, deceptive elements, distortions and deception relating to the study (McPeck, 2016). This makes the academic writing more uplifted and free of misinformat ion. Critically thinking has been so beneficial that some educators believe that it must be taught in order to incorporate the concept in every student. This would enable them to cultivate intellectual traits in the students that would help them academically (Davies, 2013). The thinking process is based on reasons that help to culminate into a reasoned conclusion as a whole. Critical thinking for better analysis of the Academic write up- Critical thinking leads to clear understanding and clearer writing. Throughout the write up, the ideas are well informed and well addressed. The entire writing after critical thought elevates the depth of understanding of the subject and the topic by the writer that is projected in the writing (Davies, 2013). Without critical thinking, the ideas that are addressed in the writing become abrupt and unstable lowering the value of the entire project. However, if thought critically in the entire writing process, the thoughts are better expressed making the write up more usable, cohesive and concise (Candlin Hyland, 2014). In academic writing, the process of critical thinking is guided by intellectual standards. It gets greater depth, insight, accuracy, clarity and precision. Thus, there is an underlying essence of intellectual integrity in the academic writing that has been guided by proper critical thoughts. The writing with critical thinking addresses the chief purpose of the write up. It is more constructed and precisely refers to the requirement. It includes exploration of the subject with proper interpretation and right line of thinking. It helps in making assumptions in a way that leads the writer to end up to proper conclusions. Influence of critical thinking on academic writers- With critical thinking and writing accordingly with the thought, the writer becomes more engrossed and experiences self-improvement with a scrutinized self-assessment (McKinley, 2013). The various level of thinking of the writer helps him be more precise and accurate in the writing process. There is an integrity manifested in the entire write up with proper reasons backing it up throughout. Critical thinking has the prevalence of metacognition process that examines the potential weaknesses and limitations when the writer takes up a position for his academic writing (Bensley Spero, 2014). The writing that resulted out of critical thinking is explicit that enables the readers to extract the main idea that is addressed. It also enables the writer to think through various arguments that helps him to progress with the writing (Elander et al., 2016). This also ensures the validity of the argument made by the writer. With proper critical thinking, the produced writing becomes elevated beca use of the consolidated concepts it includes with multiple references to facts and opinions. Thus the entire writing becomes more organized and thus, more valid. Revising in critical thinking and its portrayal on writing- Revising serves to be a necessary component of critical thinking that enhances the writing (McKinley, 2013). After the completion of the first draft, it is very important to review the entire write up in order to ensure that the arguments made in the writing are valid and the entire thing has a continuous and concise flow. One has to be the advocate to critically evaluate the writing that has been incorporated with critical thoughts. The evidence is reviewed through this and helps the writers to reconsolidate the information that have been explored in the writing. With critical thinking and further reviewing, it becomes easier to assess the different angles of an argument made and trace out the different relationships between the constituents that frame the argument. Revising helps to project out various new relationships as well that adds more depth into the writing. If revised by another critical thinker, it helps to recognize the left out and biases that the actual writer failed t o identify. It enhances the metacognitive thinking and helps to evaluate and re-evaluate the thinking process that helped to pen down the write up (Bensley Spero, 2014). Academic writing being a vast space and full of valid information has multiple aspects and knowledge that may not be possible for one single critical thinker to encompass. Thus, getting knowledge from the critical thinking of another person helps to get a different perspective that can be used to determine the original thought process of the writer. It helps him/her to determine the tendencies and biases that he may have had in his critical thinking. It also helps him/her to judge his own thoughts to have missed out or ignored some evidences and premises that could be incorporated in the writing. Thus, it serves to be a checking procedure to reach the conclusion for the critical thinker. Getting a different conclusion from the other critical thinker and integrating his/her argument and conclusion in the final writi ng also makes it even more valid. Thus, in critical thinking and further academic writing, the writer must be open-minded and reasonable in his/her approach. Lack of awareness and narrow mindedness of the writer damages the critical thinking process that is portrayed in the final academic write up. Components of critical thinking, vital for academic writing- In critical writing, theory comprises the chief component that helps the writers to think precisely and follow the rules of concluding the writing (Halpern, 2013). Thus, knowledge of theory of the matter that the writer is dealing with serves to be the basic principle of critical thinking. Deducing the rights and errors correctly facilitates better writing that can only be ensured when the person has a depth in the theory. Practicing the writing process along the line of critically thinking also develops the way of writing that gets recognition in the further write-ups of the writers (Halpern, 2013). Moreover, one needs to have the positive attitude to engage in the process without merely scribbling down the summary (Hirvela Du, 2013). He/ she must be willing enough to be involved in discussions and debates, reaching the required conclusion through the error and learn process (Halpern, 2013). Through these three components of critical thinking, namely theory, practice and attitude, one can ensure his ability to master and excel in academic writing. Academic writing without critical thinking Writing without critical thinking results to a poor write up. For instance, in case, the thesis statement or the argument is a repetition or abrupt, the flow of the write up and its aim to reach into a point goes beyond understanding. Writing without proper critical thinking results to simple summaries written down instead of an integrative analysis. It lacks chronology and segue between paragraphs becomes unidentifiable, weakening the entire writing (Canagarajah, 2013). With use of abstractions that act like critical thinking but lacks analytical thought that is evident from the final writing. It also makes the writing sound distracted lacking a proper conclusion. Due to lack of critical thinking and accumulation of proper evidences, the writer fails to reach to a properly constructed conclusion of his/her writing. Even if the arguments made in the academic writing are true, they fail to get enough logical support that negatively affects it. Thus, the conclusion proven becomes inval id or incomplete and fails to provoke the reader with the submitted write up. Problem solving by critical thinking Every good academic writing seeks a proper critical thinking that enhances and adds enormous value to the writing. To deal with the multiple problems that arise in academic writing, relating to its relevance, authenticity, and applicability, critical thinking serves to be the rescue. For this, while selecting a topic the writer must make a planned approach. He/she must be sure of being engaged in the right topic and understand the initiatives and goals of proceeding with the topic. This makes the plan more effective with prioritizing of the concepts and arguments with an ordered chronology (Wallace Wray, 2016). The writer must be sure of collecting the right evidences and understand the material that he/she is going to deal with in the writing. They must be aware of the credibility since academic writing encompasses multiple evidences relating to a particular subject. Thus, the writer must be conscious of the usages he is going to incorporate to develop a complete and valid writing. He/she must have the potential to draw out the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments made that have enough reasons to back up. These arguments must be well supported by valid premises and the entire writing must have the constituents that serve to be the basis of developing the entire writing. All the constituents must have a relationship and connection making the writing concise and fully structured. Proper analyzing of each of the constituents, comparison and contrast, the cause and effect relations and ranking helps to denote the underlying relations between the constituents (Shamim, 2017). This aids to the summarization of the evidences correctly and helps in reaching to the right conclusion. Organizing all the critical thoughts and examining the relationships develops into a perfect academic writing as a whole. With the incorporation of critical thinking in writing, the abilities of evaluation, reflection and judgment are expressed through processes of argumentation and the production of the argument in form of essay, reports or dissertations (Bennett, 2014). Argument is the primary expression of critical thinking that is a very important aspect of academic writing. There is always an underlying argument in academic writing that cannot be reached at unless the subject or the topic has been critically thought. Critical thinking has the basic principle of being original and originality serves to be the key criterion of successful academic writing. The entire writing is equally sensitive, backed by reliable citations (Goatly, 2013). For critical thinking to be effective, the person has to properly analyze and evaluate the content knowledge selecting relevant information from the literature to support his/her argument. The writer needs to further develop a position and frame his own argument th at he/she will be dealing in the academic writing (Key Noble, 2017). Furthermore, the writer needs to establish his/her position presenting the entire writing in a coherent manner. This is very crucial since the writer has to make a logical arrangement of the different propositions that presented through the default academic genre of the writing (Bailey, 2014). Thus, critical thinking stands out to be a concept that encapsulates a cognitive operation, which is revealed in the write-ups through argumentation and constructed knowledge (Cottrell, 2017). Thinking critically means looking at things with varying perspectives in an open-minded way. It has a consistency of looking at things logically, emphasizing reasons more than emotions. There is always a logical connection between the various ideas that are shared in the academic writing. The concept has been criticized on the grounds of negatively affecting ones creativity since it depends on logic and rationality (Piniel Csizr, 2015). However, the quality of critically thinking enables one to think out of the boundaries and creativity acts as a major part of the process. Critical thinking thus, enables one to evaluate and improve his/her creativity skills largely. It also teaches how to differentiate between reason and emotion and thus helps writers to view and assess as many possibilities as he /she can address in the write up (Miletzki Broten, 2017). Apart from the enhancement of academic writing, but critical thinking is also beneficial to develop positive attitude in people t owards greater learning. It cultivates problem-solving skills in writing process, helping the writers to think critically. It equally helps to develop independence in the writing with least interference (Aull Lancaster, 2014). It does not support mere memorizing of lessons, rather encourages understanding and critically thinking on the matter that render better writing from the academic writers. Thus, it solves the various issues rightly that one faces in academic writing backed by greater logic and reliability. Conclusion: Critical thinking as a whole develops the thinking process of students and writers regarding a subject that they are or will be dealing. It has been analyzed that students lacks the ability to think clearly and form judgment due to the lack of critical thinking skills. Thus, many critics and educators have emphasized on teaching critical thinking skills in students for enhancing academic studies. Not every writer writing on a subject or a topic is supposed to learn the various information he/she gets. Rather he must be able to reflect on the topic and gradually discover their studies. It encourages the spirit of discovery and simultaneously promotes intellectual development. In completion of an academic writing, critical thinking acts as a process of error detection that has enough reasons to support the thoughts. It thus enriches the academic write up and grows greater confidence in the writers. Being a strategy that renders deeper insights and thinking, critical thinking equally se rves to be a basic as well as needed concept in academic writing. With reasons and reflections that add to the validity of the writing, critical thinking enables the writers to proceed cohesively towards a sound conclusion. Considering all the benefits of producing a well-structured and extra ordinary academic writing, the writers must engage themselves in critically thinking upon the topic that they would be dealing with. Instead of merely penning down a summary that is both improper and vague as far as academic writing is concerned, they must present the write up accordingly with the critically thinking process that would sum up to an extraordinary outcome. Thus, from the discussed essay it can be concluded that critical thinking is not only relevant in its use for writing well but also accounts to be a necessary aspect for every writers to achieve success in academic writing. References: Aull, L. L., Lancaster, Z. (2014). Linguistic markers of stance in early and advanced academic writing: A corpus-based comparison.Written Communication,31(2), 151-183. Bailey, S. (2014).Academic writing: A handbook for international students. Routledge. Bennett, K. (Ed.). (2014).The semiperiphery of academic writing: Discourses, communities and practices. Springer. Bensley, D. A., Spero, R. A. (2014). Improving critical thinking skills and metacognitive monitoring through direct infusion.Thinking Skills and Creativity,12, 55-68. Canagarajah, A. S. (2013).Critical academic writing and multilingual students. University of Michigan Press. Candlin, C. N., Hyland, K. (2014).Writing: Texts, processes and practices. Routledge. Cottrell, S. (2017).Critical thinking skills. Macmillan Education. Davies, M. (2013). Critical thinking and the disciplines reconsidered.Higher Education Research Development,32(4), 529-544. Dias, P., Freedman, A., Medway, P., Par, A. (2013).Worlds apart: Acting and writing in academic and workplace contexts. Routledge. Elander, J., Harrington, K., Norton, L., Robinson, H., Reddy, P. (2016). Complex skills and academic writing: a review of evidence about the types of learning required to meet core assessment criteria.Assessment Evaluation in Higher Education,31(1), 71-90. Goatly, A. (2013).Critical reading and writing: An introductory coursebook. Routledge. Halpern, D. F. (2013).Thought and knowledge: An introduction to critical thinking. Psychology Press. Hirvela, A., Du, Q. (2013). Why am I paraphrasing?: Undergraduate ESL writers' engagement with source-based academic writing and reading.Journal of English for Academic Purposes,12(2), 87-98. Kettler, T. (2014). Critical thinking skills among elementary school students: Comparing identified gifted and general education student performance.Gifted Child Quarterly,58(2), 127-136. Key, L. E., Noble, B. P. (2017).Course in general linguistics. Macat Library. McKinley, J. (2013). Displaying critical thinking in EFL academic writing: A discussion of Japanese to English contrastive rhetoric.RELC Journal,44(2), 195-208. McPeck, J. E. (2016).Critical thinking and education. Routledge. Miletzki, J., Broten, N. (2017).Development as freedom. Macat Library. Piniel, K., Csizr, K. (2015). Changes in motivation, anxiety and self-efficacy during the course of an academic writing seminar.Motivational dynamics in language learning, 164-194. Roderick, G. (2016).Teaching critical thinking: Dialogue and dialectic. Routledge. Shamim, T. (2017). Critical-thinking skills.The Journal of the American Dental Association,148(1), 4-5. Wallace, M., Wray, A. (2016).Critical reading and writing for postgraduates. Sage
Sunday, March 22, 2020
The Wisdom I Believe to Be an Example of the Topic Personal Essays by
The Wisdom I Believe to Be Wisdom is too broad a term to be defined in a specifically objective manner. Similar to terms such as love and happiness, it is much of a concept than a word to be identified. Due to many experiences of critical thinking, I have come up with the most personal definition of wisdom as the concept knowing how to act in the best way possible despite the conflicts brought about by personal and rational reasons. Wisdom is all about control. Being wise is having the ability to control ones personal desire and interests to perform the best solutions possible. Need essay sample on "The Wisdom I Believe to Be" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed I believe the most comparable definition of this is the view of Martin Luther Kings. In his Letter from Birmingham Jail, he talks about the concept of justice and how people must act nonviolently to achieve it. He discourages people to resort to violence in terms of fighting for justice. Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks to so dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored (King, 2000, p. 64). His speech tells about how nonviolence can force the opposition to finally negotiate with the issue rather than fight it. Violence involves personal interests because most of the time it is ones emotions that drives them to commit such acts. On the other hand, nonviolence is a form of controlling oneself; therefore, the performance of it shows the ability of that person to think in peace and negotiate without causing any more harm to others by means of physical battle. Undergraduates Very Often Tell EssayLab specialists: How much do I have to pay someone to write my assignment online? Essay writer professionals advise: Winning Academic Essay Writing Delivered On Time Like love and happiness, wisdom is better explained subjectively than explicated by means of technical denotations from books. Together with Martin Luther Kings concept of wisdom and intelligence, we can come to a conclusion that wisdom requires patience. One must learn how to wait and how to assess a situation because impulsiveness would merely lead to more harm and failure. Reference King, M.L. (2000). Letter from Birmingham jail. Why we can't wait. Ed. Jesse Jackson. Signet Classic. pp. 64-84.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Drugs and Adolescents essays
Drugs and Adolescents essays It is drug-free week at school again. Many activities are scheduled for the students as well as guest speakers that will reiterate the importance of remaining drug free. Guest speakers talk about their experiences with drugs and how they overcame their problems. This is a habitual event for students, and they do not pay much attention to these speakers and the advice that they give them. Little do they know that they will be faced with the same temptations that these people were faced with. Why do young people ignore the advice that others give them and find out the hard way? The author believes that young people ignore others advice because they are full of pride, they want to fit in, and because they did not experience the pain themselves. Pride is a large problem for young people. They feel that they are too good to listen to anybody else and that they dont have to listen to anybody else. Also, young and old people alike feel that they can handle the problem themselves. Young people like to be independent and figure out their own problems. Children need to realize that older people are more knowledgeable and have more experience in life than they do. The problems that old people face will occur in most childrens lives. Young people on the whole need to swallow their pride and except and use the advice given by their elders who have experienced situations similar to the temptations that young people are faced with today. Probably the largest reason why young people disregard the advice given to them is peer pressure. When a young persons friends want them to do something, not many people can persuade them to do otherwise. Peer pressure is a very dangerous thing can lead to trouble. One sees instances everyday were children are pressured into doing things that they do not approve of. This can range from anything from cheating on a test to smoking marijuana. The need for social attention ...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Introduction To Luke Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Introduction To Luke - Term Paper Example To begin with, it must be noted that there is no clear indication that the above mentioned text was written by Luke. It is the tradition of Church that attributes the Gospel to this apostle. However, there are several indications which contribute to acknowledgement of his authorship: Luke was a highly educated person for his time, had a personal acquaintance with the Biblical characters, respected people who belonged to a lower class and was wealthy enough to devote time to create a Gospel (Bock, 1994, 138). Similar to the authorship, there is not a direct indication of date. Just like many of the ancient texts, the originals were lost and the researchers are able to work with the copies which were created afterwards. According to one approach, the Gospel of Luke should be dated 80 or 90 Common Era; however, some researchers tend to move the creation of the text a decade further. In addition that that, some scholars point out that mentioning of various contemporary events, such as conflict in the manuscript families or heresy of Marcion, provides enough basis to move the time of the creation of the scripture even further. The question of sources is another interesting one when it comes to evaluation of the Gospel in question. The main basis for the narration is the Gospel of Mark which was written roughly a decade before. However, since this text featured more factual information, Luke uses the so called Q source in order to present the complexity of the teachings of Jesus. Finally, there a part of the Gospel, around one third, that is unique to Luke. The structure of the Gospel in question is traditionally divided into six sections. The first part is the formal introduction, containing address to Theophilus. The next section is the description of birth of Jesus and his boyhood. Afterwards there is a part which tells the readers about baptism of Jesus and his fight against the
Monday, February 3, 2020
Evaluation of film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Evaluation of film - Essay Example This paper will evaluate the movie and its themes which talk about many emotional, moral, and deep decisions and thoughts. The Dark Knight is considered to be a masterpiece created by Nolan. The 2 hours long journey depicts an amazing story which is surrounded with the absolutely thoughtful creation of Nolan’s work. With powerful marketing and plenty of moral messages in the film, it proved to be one of the biggest blockbusters of all time. The strong story leads to how the hero can often be in moral and emotional trouble and how decision making can be made tough as there’s a thin line between the good and evil. The role of the Joker is that of a ruthless villain, he cares for nothing and no one, not even himself. His character is the one which keeps reminding Batman that there are no rules to the game. He creates chaos everywhere, likes to question everything, and pushes everyone to extremes. He is unpredictable and unreasonable, and he doesn’t have any planned goals except to cause destruction and chaos. The Joker is not seen as any other villain. Throughout the movie, he gives the audience the belief that he is just someone who is coming out of his personal space. Not only does he not have any plans or goals, but he doesn’t even define to the moral code of criminals. This character has no values. Even though the character of the Joker is very influential and makes the movie complete, the character of Batman isn’t ignorable. Batman is strong and masculine; he never gives in to his inner urges. He is seen in a tough position when he has to fight a man who has no rules or values. However, he refuses to take the wrong path which would lead him to the Joker and rather maintains his own moral code. Batman does not believe in killing the criminals, instead he brings them to justice. Thus, even when the Joker is standing in front of him shouting ‘kill me’, Batman does not break his moral code which costs him his capture. The fight
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Minorities In The Criminal Justice System Criminology Essay
Minorities In The Criminal Justice System Criminology Essay The importance of recognizing the fundamental concepts of issues in the Canadian criminal justice system is critical in the illustration of justice to minorities predominately Blacks and Aboriginal. Blacks and Aboriginals have been challenged socially, economically and politically. In examining the Canadian criminal justice system, it can be concluded there are many complications in attempting to justify the outcome of a case. It is imperative to recognize if the Canadian judicial system is simply responsible for the over representation of Blacks and Aboriginals in the justice system. This paper will further examine and critically analyze the flaws of the justice system. The processes of prosecuting an offender sometimes rely on the jurors. The importance of selecting jury needs to be further addressed. Thus, this paper will examine different aspects of the Canadian criminal justice system in relation to the existence of racial discrimination. The foundation of Canada was formed by the Aboriginals continuing to the colonial revolution to become a multicultural country. However the diverse races that are existent in Canada have been in conflict. Racism has lingered for countless years wherein complete abolishment will be unsuccessful providing marginalization and stereotypes are existent in society. It is noteworthy to recognize the race-related injustice minorities experience within the criminal justice system. Though the different systems and procedures in the criminal justice system are designed to protect society, minorities are often challenged with stigmatization. Evidence from the Canadian society indicates an over representation of minorities within the criminal justice system to the extent that there are concerns regarding wrongful convictions such as Donald Marshall, Jr. Prevalent oppression of these races lead to the failure of the justice system to be a reliable source of integrity to citizens, failing to build confidence. This paper will discuss the importance of fair and equal treatment in the justice system. The failure to recognize the injustice minorities encounter often results in the constant practice of systemic discrimination. Discriminatory practices such as racial discrimination and racial profiling are still prevalent within the Canadian Criminal Justice System. The significance of addressing this issue is having an impartial mindset in the judicial system when a minority is convicted. This issue can be addressed as systemic discrimination leading to the over representation of Black and Aboriginal in prisons in Canada. The key areas I will focus on are: the white dominated jury selection in trials involving minorities. I will examine if the criminal cases are a result of systemic discriminatory practices or if it is the complications within those cases. In addition I will also analyze the reason why there is an over representation of Blacks and Aboriginals within the Criminal Justice System and if Canada violates the legislated human rights identified under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and possibly the Criminal Code. This paper will consist of various studies conducted to examine whether racial discrimination is existent in society. Many studies have been conducted to determine if racial prejudice is present through arrests and court systems resulting in the over population of the prisons. In this paper I will analyze various sources of literature review, reports, articles, cases, theories and studies to enhance my arguments and persuade the reader to implement solutions to help reduce the partial treatment in all levels of the criminal justice system. By addressing the fundamental issue in society it raises awareness of the possible solutions that can be addressed. This is a topic of interest as I can relate as a minority. I hope to limit the partial practices in the Criminal Justice System. The analysis of criminal court cases such as R. v. Williams (1998), R. v. Khan (2004), R. v. Marshall (1971) will support my arguments regarding existing mistreatment of ethnic minorities with the Canadian criminal justice system. I will also discuss that stigmatization of blacks and Aboriginals are still prominent in todays society in the arrest and court processes. In this paper, I will explore why such injustice is still occurring and what actions can be taken to minimize stigmatization. I will draw attention to the various forms of injustice within the Canadian criminal justice system. Through analysis of particular cases I will draw attention to the types of discriminatory practice that exist. I will also make recommendation on how to bet ter address the existing racism problems within the current justice system as addressing such mal practices are vital in improving the justice system. Historical Concepts of Race: It is vital to consider the historical background of the racial backgrounds that will be focused on in this paper. It determines the fundamental cause of the problem today that affects many lives. It is imperative to recognize the aspects that will facilitate for a better understanding of the outcomes of cases. In addition this will confirm the challenges minorities have faced are still present today. Mosher (1998) has proven, The analysis of racial inequality in diverse historical contexts allows us to establish a perspective from which to view contemporary problems (p.28). Blacks in Canada As a result of colonialism, Canada has attracted immigrants from all over the world including blacks. In 2006, data collected through surveys concluded the black population increased to over three quarters of a million approximate 783,000 (Wortley Owusu-Bempah, 2010). Though the population increased significantly from the earlier years, the representation of blacks within the Canadian population remains at 2.5%. The black population in Canada fails to be equally scatter in population distribution, as a result only concentrated in specific cities. The migration of the black population is diversified from the country of origin with different composition of cultures, values and beliefs. The survey concluded Canadas black population suffers from economic and social disadvantage (Wortley Owusu-Bempah, 2010). The progress of multiculturalism in Canada through the colonial revolution significantly affected the black population. Historically dated, the prominent severe practice of slavery of black individuals was practiced in the United Stated and the Caribbean. Nonetheless, Canada also had some sort of involvement. It has been evident in the ownership of slaves by six legislators of Upper Canadas first parliament (Wortley Owusu-Bempah, 2010). This illustrates the foundation of collectively placing the black population in social disparity from the beginning. Thus, the impact of disadvantage continues to the present day. The poor treatment of white elites towards the black population often denied the basic rights of individuals. The stigmatization of blacks led to segregation in school as well as public life along with limitations of owning properties (Winks, 2008). The hostile treatment of the white population towards blacks was very explicit in comparison to todays society. Although issues of racial discrimination have been addressed it is still implicitly prominent today. Stereotypical views The historical perspective of the blacks in Canada can further illustrate the root of the problem of society today. The beliefs and stereotypes that have been the first perspective of whites towards the black population have been instilled in individuals continuing to carry those set of beliefs. According to a recent survey, results have shown one third of the Canadian population report being at least slightly racist (Leger, 2007). The mentality that has been created about the black population being socially and economically underprivileged has found a way to make members of society believe they are continually being stigmatized. On the earlier years, whites have always had the upper hand in contrast to blacks, this has implicitly continued by examining the members of the criminal justice system from the police system to the members of the judiciary. As racial discrimination has formed in various ways from the beginning, it has had adverse affects on the black population of todays so ciety and the law. Thus, the mentality from the slavery days have evolved and integrated into the justice system, affecting the method of serving justice to blacks. The issue of racial discrimination in Canada is a controversial topic. In contrast, the most common explicit evidence of racial discrimination is racial profiling evident through anecdotal accounts. The debate in Canada consists of the scepticism of the general public with focus on systemic discrimination that exists in the justice system and if there is equal access to services offered within the Canadian criminal justice system (Wortley, 2003). Canada in comparison to the United States lacks the resources for empirical evidence to further assess the amount of racial discrimination in the justice system. However, the minimal research conducted has evidently illustrated the prevalence of discrimination within the black and First Nation group of minorities. Indigenous First Nations suffered through a devastating history however one may not assume it has been completely stopped. Surprisingly, in the present day the mistreatment of police forces or other authoritative figures have not simply justified fair and equal treatment. Many scholars have attempted to study the relationship of the treatments of the criminal justice system through the communication processes (Roberts, Doob, 1997). Historically, Aboriginals were seen as a barrier to colonization and progress, as an outcome they were subject to unjust treatment and were forced to assimilate into Canadian life. They were also subject to convert from red men to white this was accomplished by forcing them into residential schools where they suffered a tremendous amount of torture (Dickson-Gilmore, 2005). During this process, First nations have been stripped away of culture: they were forced to surrender land and degraded to the reserves while they were prohibited to have an Aboriginal model of family, social life and spirituality (Dickson-Gilmore, 2005). As Indigenous have been rejected culturally, socially and politically it is a contributing factor to why society has stereotypical views. As the mandatory placement of Aboriginals on reserves, it has resulted in the constant use of drugs and alcohol as they are excluded from the rest of society. Aboriginals have suffered through a disadvantaged past from being stripped of all kinds of identity and being put aside into the reserves. It is very easy to stereotypically judge an individual. Players in the criminal justice system are also humans and are aware of the historically disadvantaged past of the First Nations. The assumption all Aboriginals are the same can affect the outcome of cases wherein an Aboriginal is involved. The stigmatization that has been established about the Indigenous continues to prevail in society today as it is evident in the criminal justice system. Media The media has become a significant influence on the general public. From the television shows, movies and news it has managed to instil certain information, perceptions in the heads of its viewers and/or listeners. Prominently, the media will portray all the negative characteristics of a certain race which leads to the creation of stereotypes. Studies have shown the biasness of the Canadian media and the unfairness of media representations (Mahtani, 2001). Considerably, the media is a powerful medium to deliver knowledge to the public, selecting certain images of minorities to govern the publics perspective (Fleras and Kunz, 2001). As a result, pessimistic representation of minorities includes stereotypes and beliefs such as: threatening, deviant, and irrelevant to the construction of the nation. The negative traits of minorities depicted in the media automatically become the everyday perception of the public. It is rare to see minorities on a television show, however if they are fea tured on a show they are depicted as criminals or deviant (Mahtani, 2001). Thus, the images or the actions/role of a minority depicted in the media is considered one sided portrayals or articles become reality in the minds of Canadians (Fleras and Kunz, 2001) in addition to confirmation of the stereotypes already created. The media often creates a picture of poor black men involved in drugs or violence. Chances of a successful black man being featured in a news broadcast have decreased in the likelihood. The media generates a subliminal message of stereotyping black men. Focusing on a particular race stories emphasizing certain characteristics and eventually transfers those characteristics into a social norm (Fleras and Kunz, 2001). In addition, Aboriginals who have claimed the land of Canada primarily are also portrayed as alcoholics and violent individuals facilitating in the general stereotypes. These stereotypes are consumed in individual beliefs including the police and judicial system. According to Scot Wortley and Akwasi Owusu-Bempah (2010) media analyses have depicted Black people in Canada have a heightened chance of being portrayed as criminal offenders rather than victims. The Black population have often complained regarding the news media and other forms of popular culture (film, music, etc.) about the portrayal often enhancing the stereotypes that already exists. This depiction of the particular race usually places a strain on the treatment of the members of the criminal justice system. Scot Worley (2002) has performed extensive research within the Toronto star. In his findings, he discovered almost half of all stories depicting Black people are related to crime and violence, in comparison to 14% of its counterparts of white victims. In addition to the results, he also found that white victims received more media coverage than Black victims. These biases of large mediums affect an individuals sub consciousness. Treatments of minorities According to Nelson (2004), extensive research of the differential treatment of Aboriginals has been ongoing historically to present. A summarization of the results consists of similar cases of confrontations between first nations and the police due to harassment, racism or aggressiveness through force to restrain the fighting of Aboriginal groups for treaty rights and land claims. Government has imposed solutions in an attempt to reduce incarceration rates for First Nations. The method of restorative justice is encouraged to decrease the over representation of Aboriginals in the entire Criminal Justice System (Nelson, 2004). In addition, scholars have also studied the perception of police and interactions with the black community. Henry Hastings (1996) has conducted a research of how criminal activities are racialized resulting in the confirmation of negative perceptions affecting the treatment of blacks in the criminal justice system. Chart above (Wortley Owusu,-Bempah, 2009, Unequal before the law: Immigrant and Racial Minority Perceptions of the Canadian Criminal Justice system: Percent of respondents who believe that a black person would receive a harsher sentence than a white person convicted of the same crime The chart above is a depiction of the confidence of the general public in the justice system. As previously mentioned, the perceptions of society towards the Black population have not changed. As a result a survey has been conducted based on perception of three major ethnicities: White, Chinese and Black. The public beliefs of mistreating Blacks had forced the police enforcement to implement the idea of designing strategies to eliminate or reduce the belief of targeting racial minorities. An action plan of recruiting minority groups in the police force has been implemented. Evidentially, these anti-racism programs have not been well examined, due to the significant amount of increase still prevalent in this survey. Stenning (2003) has stated, if such efforts are effective, perceptions of racial bias in policing and the courts should have decreased significantly over the past 10 to 15 years. Racial Profiling A prominent form of racial discrimination is racial profiling. Evidence of surveys conducted still find racial profiling to be a common problem. An academic literature definition of racial profiling is defined as: significant racial differences in police stop and search practices, significant racial differences in Customs search and interrogation practice and particular under or sting operation which target specific racial/ethnic communities (Wortley Owusu-Bempah, 2010, p.17). Various studies conducted in the United States, Great Britain and Canada have all concluded that Black people have an increased chance of being stopped, questioned and search by the police (Tanovich, 2006). This issue has been brought to the attention of the Ontario Human Rights Commission in 2003 with a compilation of detailed testimonial from over 800 individuals in Ontario with a majority composition of black felt they have been a victim of racial profiling. If racial profiling exists it is evident that rac ial discrimination also exists and is somewhat visible in the justice system. Racial profiling within in the society by police, at every level of the justice system influences the statistical information of minorities in the Canadian criminal justice system. Players in the Criminal Justice System The explanation of the over representations of black and Aboriginals in the criminal justice system can simply be explained through the thorough analysis of the judicial system. Canada was originally established in a Eurocentric focus presently continuing justifying the flaws of the criminal justice system and the ignorance towards minorities. The limited representation of minority in the judiciary contributes to the factor of the lack of recognition of minority needs. Essentially, it is vital to implement affirmative action in the courts to avoid stigmatization of race (Crenshaw, Gotanda, Peller, 1995). In addition, in the event of final decisions in court, majority of jurors selected are of a white decent while the criminal offender is often black or Aboriginal with programmed stereotypes. As a result, jury decisions often incarcerate blacks and Aboriginals creating the over representations in prisons. By examining the judicial system it is easy to conclude the racial consistency is prominently white males. This reflects not only the European colonization in early years but the current patriarchal society. According to Hamalengwa (2003), a white lawyer had stated, bringing the racial animus in a criminal case will alienate the judge, police, prosecutors and the jury, all of whom are most likely White and will likely ensure a conviction (p.9). The credibility of this statement is accurate as it is a primary source. When the issue of race is raised in the court systems, it is often denied the attention and action for equal justice of minority groups such as Aboriginals and Blacks Police According to Parker et al (2005), there has been sufficient evidence to conclude police have an increased likelihood of making arrests in cases involving whites compared to non white victims as well as scenarios with a white victim and a black offender. These results show that whites are much more favourable within the justice system emphasizing on the higher value placed on them in comparison to blacks. Further analytical examinations of police biasness of whites during arrests have been studied. In Toronto during the period of 1996 throughout 2001 there have been 10,000 arrests involving drug possessions which was composed of 38% of black suspects and 23% whites. All accused persons were taken to the police station for report processes. However accused white individuals were likely to be discharged in contrast to black individuals who were most likely to be detained overnight for a bail hearing. As there is an overwhelming over representation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system, over and under policing contribute to these statistics (Rudin, 2005). Over policing refers to the practice of policing targeting people of particular ethnic or racial backgrounds or people who live in particular neighbourhoods (Rudin, 2005, p.1). This results in the police structuring a different approach towards Aboriginals with the assumption they are violent, dangerous and more likely to be involved in criminal activity. In contrast to the over policing, Aboriginals are underrepresented to being victims by police. This a reflection of the government who often disregard the Aboriginal rights claims and ignore the suffering they continue to experience (Rudin, 2005). Though there have been collective efforts to strategically reduce racial bias in the justice system, it is still questionable whether it is actually effective. One of the approaches that has been recently been put in effect is minority recruitment. It is the idea of hiring minorities to diversify policing and the other sectors of the justice system (Stenning, 2003). Results of this strategy have improved in diversifying the police. In 1994, the police force was composed of 6% minority members compared to the significant increase in 2009 to 19% (Wortley McCalla, 2008). Diversity has evidentially been proven to exist as the two out of the four Deputy Chiefs are black as well as the September 2009 graduates reported to have been the most multicultural class of recruits (Wortley Owusu-Bempah, 2010). As the police are creating a racially diversified environment there is no guarantee that minority members are free of racial discrimination in the work force. The problem of racial discrimination will be difficult to completely eradicate, considering the historical aspects of Canada and the existence continuing into the workforce. Police are a vital variable to consider when dealing with the racial background of one of the primary source for arrests and convictions. As mentioned previously, the police force had been historically composed of a majority of white racial background until recently creating bias to those minorities from internalized beliefs. Jurors Critical Race Theory was created in the 1970s acknowledging racism adopting the ideology from the United States. It is a socially constructed concept attempting to show the structure of law including antidiscrimination law accommodating and facilitating racism (Aylward, 1999). The implication of the Critical Race Theory intensifies the application of power within the criminal justice system. Initially, the aims and objectives of the Critical Race Theory emphasizes on race and power. It fundamentally deconstructs society by categorizing racial hierarchies. However, the recognition of racism reproduces inequality, further minimizing minority rights. The concept deconstructs position of minorities while reconstructing juror bias (Aylward, 1999). In the Canadian context critical race theory is often applied to the races that are more prominent to racial discrimination, Blacks and First Nations. Jury Selection In addition, the jury selection process is most likely to reflect the judiciary representation. National Law Journal conducted a study containing a sample of 800 jurors, 42% were White jurors in contrast to the 25% of Black jurors teaming up with the police officers rather than defendant present in the case (Hamalengwa, 2003). In circumstances of cases wherein race is involved, it is often a minority attempting to indict a representative of the criminal justice system such as the police with an all white jury. The study observed that jurors are more biased by empathizing with victims of their own race and lenient of defendants of the same racial background (Hamalengwa, 2003). Thus, to achieve an equal administration of justice it is essential to select a racially mixed jury. In the case of R. v. Williams jury selection depicted the flaws of the criminal justice system. Victor Daniel Williams, an Aboriginal accused of a robbery charge denied accusations. At the primary trial, the judge permitted questions posed to potential jurors. As a result of this, the Crown had applied for a mistrial on the basis of procedural errors and the unfortunate publicity of the jury selection process (R. v. Williams, 1998). At the second trial the judge had dismissed any motion from the accused. In conclusion of this trial the court had admitted to the widespread of discrimination against First Nations within the community. In cases where the defendant believes the jury might have prejudiced towards the particular race such as Aboriginal, the prosecution and defence have the right to challenge potential jurors for cause on the ground of partiality (R. v. Williams, 1998). Questions the defendant may ask the potential jurors whether they have already possess a prejudice towards the racial group altogether if so, if it is possible for the jurors to make decisions without the bias they posses. The case was a lengthy process of arguing why the jurors were questioned as it is presumed that jurors will function without biasness. Counter arguments have stated it if the prejudice of society is widespread how are the jurors able to remove it for the trial defeating the purpose of section 638(1)(b) (R. v. Williams, 1998). As the case concluded, extensive bias continues to uphold against Aboriginals. In contrast, British Columbia and the attending judge held the evidence was not sufficient to determine potential ju rors prejudiced. The R. v. Williams case has depicted the outcome of jury bias. However, this could be further prevented if the jury selection process was racially mixed with different backgrounds and a variety of perspectives. The outcome of the case would differ greatly. This case could be referred back to the stereotypes instilled in individuals. The general public assumes Aboriginals and prisons are constantly correlated. The implication of this stereotype can be further expanded to the uncivilized and lack social and moral order essential in society (R. v. Williams, 1998). In the case of R. v. Williams jury selection depicted the flaws of the criminal justice system. Victor Daniel Williams, an Aboriginal accused of a robbery charge denied accusations. At the primary trial, the judge permitted questions posed to potential jurors. As a result of this, the Crown had applied for a mistrial on the basis of procedural errors and the unfortunate publicity of the jury selection process (R. v. Williams, 1998). At the second trial the judge had dismissed any motion from the accused. In conclusion of this trial the court had admitted to the widespread of discrimination against First Nations within the community. In cases where the defendant believes the jury might have prejudiced towards the particular race such as Aboriginal, the prosecution and defence have the right to challenge potential jurors for cause on the ground of partiality (R. v. Williams, 1998). Questions the defendant may ask the potential jurors whether they have already possess a prejudice towards the racial group altogether if so, if it is possible for the jurors to make decisions without the bias they posses. The case was a lengthy process of arguing why the jurors were questioned as it is presumed that jurors will function without biasness. Counter arguments have stated it if the prejudice of society is widespread how are the jurors able to remove it for the trial defeating the purpose of section 638(1)(b) (R. v. Williams, 1998). As the case concluded, extensive bias continues to uphold against Aborginals. In contrast, British Columbia and the attending judge held the evidence was not sufficient to determine potential jur ors prejudiced. Though, the case itself was based on the conviction of robbery, it is imperative to note and understand the trials by judge and jury as there is an increased likelihood the outcome of the case is based on systemic discriminatory practices. Systemic Discrimination It is not surprising to see the prominent race in Canadian prisons consists of the minority groups that are often faced with obstacles. Both Blacks and Aboriginals have suffered through a disadvantaged history mirroring the result of how they function in society leading them to prison. However, as these groups are prone to committing more criminal activities in comparison to other races, the partial verdicts of judges and jurors are significantly influenced. Hence, it results in the over representation of Blacks and Aboriginals in Canadian prisons. Canadian Prison System The table below illustrates statistics of the composition of the Canadian prison system. It can be concluded through examination of the charts that Aboriginals and Blacks have the greatest amount of incarceration into prisons. The general population of Blacks and Aboriginals composed in society compared to the ratio that are incarcerated have significant differences and make up majority of incarcerated individuals. The over representations of these particular races in the prison system can cause the general population to question the justice system. Inevitably, factors to consider when analyzing this chart include the consideration of the actual crime committed or the injustice of the courts to properly provide justice to offenders due to racial bias or discrimination. The Representation of Ethno-Racial Groups in Canadas Federal Corrections System (2008) Racial Background National Population1 % of National Population Federal Correctional Population2 % Federal Correctional Population Odds Ratio Rate of Federal Correctional Supervision (per, 100,000) White 25,000,155 80.0 15,157 66.6 0.83 60.62 Aboriginal 1,172,785 3.8 3,894 17.1 4.50 332.03 Black 783,795 2.5 1,684 7.4 2.96 214.85 Asian3 2,090,390 6.7 668 2.9 0.43 31.95 South Asian 1,262,865 4.0 216 1.0 0.25 17.10 Other 931,040 3.0 1,127 5.0 1.67 121.04 TOTAL 31,241,030 100.0 22,746 100.0 1.00 72.80 1 Population estimates for each racial group were derived from the 2006 Census (Chui and Maheux 2008). 2 2008 Federal correctional statistics include those in prison and those under community supervision (Public Safety Canada 2009). 3 The Asian category includes people of Chinese, Japanese, South-East Asian, Korean and Filipino descent. 4 The Other category includes people with multiple racial backgrounds. R. v. Marshall (1971) Donald Marshall was an average seventeen year old. As a youth, it is more likely to get in trouble with the law for petty crimes such as consumption of alcohol or smoking. He was the typical young man who would break the law and
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