Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Social Evils Essay Example
Social Evils Essay Example Social Evils Paper Social Evils Paper We are well aware of the bitter reality that Social Evils are an ineluctable part of our society and its predominant causer is man himself. The reason is that he cannot control his fluctuating desires and is unable to channelize them in a positive manner therefore the Social Evils arise. It is the people of the society who have made life so complicated for themselves and for others that leaves far behind the idea of simplicity which our religion also enforces. Survival of the fittest has become order of the day. This idea no doubt, projects hope and positivity. Yet, at the same time this idea of being the fittest of all has led people to adopt immoral means and ways. We must acknowledge that man initially is a sinner and contains the substance of Evil in his heart and mind but this should be suppressed. However, instead of suppressing, it is going the other way round as it is illuminated. The point of suggesting this is that with the age of modernity, human beings have progressed and have even reached the moon which indeed is a real accomplishment worth appreciation. But on the other hand, they have started to degenerate morally. His desire to gain more power, yearning to fit in the society has compelled him to follow the path of evil. He does not realize that moral stability should be there to exist in the society. It is indeed, the people who have deviated from their Moral Sense inorder to achieve materialistic gains which causes disruption in the society. As we know that a society comprises of people therefore, the people are the causes to spread evils and chaos in their overall surroundings. Certainly, Social Evils are the result of Mans inability to control his wishes and desires which motivate him to commit wrong and harm the society. The pressure and demands of the society promote wrong doings which pollutes the society. Nonetheless, man himself is responsible and the root cause for the existence of social evils. Though he is a social animal, yet, he can transform himself into a beast inorder to satisfy his unacceptable motives and wishes. So, the inhumanity of people leads to such consequences which will shatter them in future. The Social Evils manifest themselves in many ways. For instance, in the form of corruption, juvenile delinquency, greed, prostitution, sexual harassment, child abuse and so on. Peer Group: Another poignant cause for Social Evils is the influence of peer group. The desire to become a part of the peer group is strong enough in an individual especially youngsters and children that they can go to extremes. Thereby, it is evident that peer group plays an eminent role in a persons life and thus at times it highlights his disastrous future as well. People indulge themselves in anti-social behavior which brings humiliation to their parents and families. It is famously quoted that: A man is known by the company he keeps. This pertains to the idea that the reputation and future of an individual is determined or judged by his company. This can be substantiated by taking a common example of the elite class which is yet another cause of Social Evils. People, as already mentioned desire monitory gains and popularity. A teenager, though is in a growing process and inspite of having intellect is not ripe enough what he really wants. Therefore status consciousness refers to the cause of evil path due to which numerous people are suffering. By watching the high class people, various individuals want to adopt a certain lifestyle which is parallel to theirs. Then the rise of Social Evils like robbery, drinking and use of drugs takes place. The youngsters perceive these sort of things as cool but they do not realize what harm they are deliberately inflicting on themselves and especially to the society. This can create a never ending chain of destruction ans the result would be traumatic leading to emotional turmoil and physical decay as well.
Friday, November 22, 2019
40 Synonyms for Different
40 Synonyms for Different 40 Synonyms for â€Å"Different†40 Synonyms for â€Å"Different†By Mark Nichol Looking for a different way to say â€Å"different†? Here are forty more or less distinct synonyms, along with their sometimes similar, sometimes disparate meanings. 1. Alternate: arranged or occurring in turns, or see alternative; also, every other (also a verb) 2. Alternative: referring to a choice; also, apart from the conventional or usual 3. Assorted: consisting of different kinds 4. Differing: see distinct, or changing from one case or situation to another; also, disagreeing 5. Discernible: able to be recognized as different; also detectable or recognizable 6. Discrete: see distinct 7. Disparate: see distinct, or incompatibly different 8. Dissimilar: not alike 9. Distant: different in kind; also, separated or far away from, going a long way, or far behind, or reserved in behavior, or distracted 10. Distinct: separate, or readily distinguishable; also, notable or unmistakable 11. Divergent: differing from each other or from a standard 12. Divers: see various (also an unrelated and differently pronounced plural form of diver) 13. Diverse: see distinct, or unlike 14. Eclectic: Drawn from various sources, or see heterogeneous 15. Heterogeneous: consisting of dissimilar ingredients or parts 16. Idiosyncratic: having a distinguishable quality; also, eccentric, or hypersensitive 17. Indiscriminate: see heterogeneous or motley; also, random, unrestrained, or careless about distinction 18. Individual: see separate; also, pertaining to an individual or individuality (also a noun) 19. Kitchen-sink: consisting of noticeably different parts; also, referring to the degrading aspects of poverty 20. Magpie: collected indiscriminately; also, acquisitive (also, a person who collects indiscriminately or chatters, or the bird whose behavior inspires these usages) 21. Manifold: see diverse or various; also, many, or consisting of various qualities (also an unrelated noun) 22. Miscellaneous: see diverse 23. Mixed: consisting of more than one kind (also a verb) 24. Motley: incongruously diverse; also, having different-colored markings 25. Multifarious: see diverse or various 26. Particular: see distinct; also, detailed, specific, or exacting or meticulous (also, in plural form, a noun) 27. Peculiar: distinctive; also, unusual or abnormal (this negative connotation predominates, so use with caution) 28. Piebald: consisting of incongruous parts; also, consisting of different colors (especially black and white) 29. Promiscuous: consisting of all types, or not restricted to one type; also, casual, irregular, or tending to have multiple sexual partners (because of this provocative connotation, promiscuous is rarely used in other senses) 30. Raggle-taggle: see motley 31. Ragtag: see motley; also, ragged or slovenly 32. Respective: see separate 33. Separate: not similar; also, autonomous, detached, or individual (also a verb) 34. Several: see distinct and separate; also, exclusive or relating separately, or a few 35. Single: unlike any other; also, lone, unmarried, or celibate, or honest or exclusive, or designed for one, or having only one item or part, or undivided 36. Singular: distinctive; also, exceptional or unusual, or pertaining to a single thing 37. Sundry: miscellaneous or various 38. Variant: varying slightly; also, demonstrating disagreement or variety (also a noun) 39. Varied: see diverse and various; also, having different-colored markings (also a verb) 40. Various: unlike, or of differing kinds, or see separate; also, individual, or having a number of qualities, or an indefinite number more than one Note, however, that different is often redundant, as in â€Å"They came up with many different ideas†(do you need to specify that the ideas they came up with were not identical?), so consider whether it is necessary to replace the deleted word at all. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Types of LanguageProved vs. ProvenThe Difference Between "Un-" and "Dis-"
Thursday, November 21, 2019
NUTRITION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
NUTRITION - Essay Example Proper education and handling of food is very important. Individuals can properly educate themselves on safe food handling by researching websites, news articles and magazines. One can start off on becoming educated with food and proper nutrition by recognizing common safety issues. Common food safety issue knowledge can prevent many illnesses. To start, it’s important to identify food storage and how proper food storage can prevent illness. Storing food requires most foods to be stored at a certain temperature in a sealed container. The USDA, requires that food be stored frozen at a zero degree temperature in order to remain safe. (USDA 2011) Keeping food covered while in refrigerators and important to prevent cross contamination in foods. The purchasing of food is something that needs to be addressed to keep those purchasing the food properly informed what is safe and what is not. As stated earlier, food needs to be stored properly. This is important for packagers and seller s. The buyer needs to be aware of how the foods have been stored. Being aware of how foods are stored is practicing good food safety. When shopping for food, one needs to look at the way the food is stored, the packaging and the date of the food. Meat and eggs are two of the most important foods that need to be stored properly and prepared for sale. ... An article by really natural, explains, â€Å"Buyers shouldn’t be fooled into buying really red meat†. (Really Natural 2006) It is important to focus on date as well as color. These issues associated with food can easily be avoided. Food contamination can be avoided by proper storage, cooking, and purchasing. Storage is important but cooking foods and preparing them for consumption needs to be perfect. Every meat must be cooked to a certain temperature in order for bacteria’s and viruses that could be in the meats to be killed. Cooking to the proper temperature can be achieved by using a meat thermometer. More information can be found on proper food temperatures by viewing the USDA website. Another good source for proper food cooking temperatures is www.isitdoneyet.gov. This website gives all the proper education regarding food cooking temperatures. When dealing with nutrition and the researching of information it is critical that the information is credible. Cre dible information can be found on websites that are from government agencies or universities. If information is from a secondary source, it is important to check the sources of the secondary source. This is why it’s better to stick with government websites as they are the most credible. As one can see, food-bourne illnesses and other food problems can be completely avoided. These illnesses can be avoided through proper storage, handling, purchasing and cooking. Individuals need to constantly remain educated on what to do and not to do regarding food. Seeking credible sources is key and making sure others in the household are educated as well. Don’t be afraid to challenge grocery stores and ask question regarding purchased food. They might be
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Primary productivity Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Primary productivity - Lab Report Example time by calculating the amount of oxygen produced which is directly proportional the amount of carbon bound to organic compounds such as carbohydrates in photosynthesis. In this experiment the light and dark bottle method was used. A set of 24 clean bottles each with a capacity 300ml were prepared. Twelve of the bottles were covered with aluminum foil and a black tape while the other twelve were not covered. All the 24 bottles were then filled with algae water. All the bottles were then exposed to light for a period of 1 hour. Dissolved oxygen probes were prepared and allowed to stay in water for 5 minutes as the probe warmed up and the initial dissolved oxygen concentration recorded. Data in each bottle was collected by gently stirring the probe in the water sample until the readings were relatively stable for about 30 seconds and the values recorded. The values for the light and the dark bottles were recorded and the means calculated. The respiration rate, gross productivity and net productivity were then calculated. The means were compared using student’s t-test and considered significant at P The data obtained for the dissolved oxygen concentrations in the light and dark bottles were subjected to paired student’s t- test. The results obtained indicated that there was a significant (P The algae in the bottles exposed to light predominantly carry out photosynthesis as they trap light energy which is converted into chemical energy in the form of sugars. Photosynthesis leads to the production of O2 and thus explains the increased concentrations of the dissolved oxygen. In the dark bottle only respiration occurs since algae are C3 plants. Since there was no sunlight the plants did not manufacture more sugars but rather there was breakdown of the sugars to provide energy for cellular activities with the production of carbon
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Pricing Strategy and Distribution Essay Example for Free
Pricing Strategy and Distribution Essay Nature Beauty Price strategy will be the penetration theory for my product. Penetration is pricing low to stimulate the sales, encourage trail, and trigger by word of mouth. Nature Beauty’s mineral powder foundation will not be a new product that no company has similar to. We will need to start by gaining the trust of the consumers by word of mouth and different marketing strategies to the targeted customers. This way once the product has some buzz and customers appreciate the products value, we can price the mineral powder foundation at higher price do to the demand of the product. The competing cosmetic company has a similar product that claims help the skin improve. This company will be established in the cosmetic industry and customers will have trust in them. We at Nature Beauty are striving to become a powerhouse cosmetic line so we can price according the value we believe we hold. Penetration strategy is the best the company because there are a lot of other producst that compliments the mineral powder foundation and other general everyday hygiene use type of products that want to bring out. With this strategy we can price the other products low as well and hopefully with the trust of Nature Beauty mineral powder foundation gains it will help us introduce them. Even though Nature Beauty can be considered a luxury cosmetic, we also want it to become a necessity to the consumers as well. We want the demand for it increases by making the consumers feel like this product is a need and want them to live by this Brand. Penetration strategy will also work with medium pricing range. Medium is a competitive approach. Pricing the mineral powder foundation could be slightly price above or slightly price below. Nature Beauty picks slightly below. This goes into the theory for starting off low in and gaining value to price higher. We want the customers to perceive this product as safe and efficient and more valuable compared to the leading cosmetic competitor. I believe we will have to start out as an alternative cosmetic and show that we are just as good or a better brand. Also with the feedback from the customer’s feedback and response to our product, can determine the value of its offering. The leading competitor pricing strategy are mostly medium or high leaning towards the Skimming theory. You have companies like Revlon, Cover Girl who are well known, easy, and are very accessible to the consumer at your local drug store or even supermarkets. They put off a new product and it is the priced high and after a while you will see the product come down then maintain at lower price. Nature Beauty is pricing tactics is Value pricing. According to EZine articles. com, Value pricing is a strategy that businesses with a high value product or service use. The strategy is to sell the high value product or service at a low, value price. Note: this price is not to be below cost but at what the customer would perceive to be a low price. Nature Beauty believes this a good fit for its product because all of the products are really good, safe, and highly effective. Also Ezine articles mentioned that â€Å"Customers perceptions are influenced by the value they perceive in the relationship between the attributes of the product or service and the price they will have to pay for that product or service. Customers also are influenced by price comparison amongst similar products or services†. Nature Beauty provides a product that conceals the unwanted blemishes, scars, tattoos, and gives you a even flawless skin tone while with the alone extracts, and organic ingredients helps improve your skin for a softer and clearer skin. We believe if the consumers see the attributes that this product have and also trust the other product that compliments the mineral powder foundation, we will price higher to the true value of the product. Even though we are using the Value pricing tactic, Nature Beauty believes we are a good brand and want the consumers to believe that we are high quality with a good price. In the psychology of pricing the â€Å"price is a clear, tangible cue, higher the price set the highest expectation. However, even though it’s easier to start high and lower prices later down the line, depending on sales of the products, we don’t want to jump the broom on the price set. We believe that we meet the expectation for a higher price and will strive to become a brand that can set a premium price like it leading competitors. Nature Beauty does want to use the theory framing on the products that compliments the mineral powder foundation. Framing is pricing higher prices and then discount to make the consumers feel better. There will be promotions that will give consumers the chance to try these products such lotion, facial cleanser, beauty bar soap, make-up remover wipes, and future idea products for free or at a discounted price. But they will not always be on sale. Nature beauty will push these products out individually starting out high then discounting them after we introduced the new and latest product.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Teaching Philosophy :: Philosophy of Teaching Education Essays
Teaching Philosophy When I was growing up I wanted to be everything I could think of from an astronaut to a doctor. You name it and I wanted to be it. I could not make up my mind and even as I started college no decision fro my major was made. I waited two years until coming to the realization that I would like to teach. A small girl in Wal-Mart helped me come to this realization. I did not even know who she was, but somehow she caught my attention. The first time I looked at her I saw nothing, just an ordinary girl, but something made me look again. When I did the girls’ face was glowing like she was an angel and then she just smiled. The smile filled my heart with such joy that from that moment on I realized that I wanted to see that smile everyday as an elementary school teacher. I wanted to become a part of a child’s learning experience and development. The following pages contain my philosophy on education and some goals that I will meet in my teaching experience s that are waiting for me. Recently, I have discovered my philosophy of education is progressivism. The person most responsible for the success of progressivism was John Dewey. This approach stimulated schools to mold education to the needs and interest of the students. After the launching of Sputnik progressivism was looked down upon to go back to traditional instruction with defense-related subjects. Progressivism came back with renewed popularity in the 1960’s and 1970’s, however; in the 1980’s and 1990’s traditional approaches dominated the nations schools again. I intend to have classroom management, the curriculum, teaching methods, and ways of evaluating my students all following the progressives approach. I believe that the classroom should be student centered so they feel free to make decisions on their own. After all, education is for the students so they should have some say in how they want to lean. First, I would like to discuss how I intend to manage my classroom.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Marriage practices
In the Cooper Eskimos area, the prospective son-in-law worked as a servant for the girl's father for a period of three or four years, generally before she reached puberty. Bride service among the Cooper Eskimos was often Supplemental, and sometimes replaced by payments of valuable articles†(Dams, Divide Demographic Aspects of Central Eskimos Marriage Practices. American Ethnologist, Volvo. 2. No 3 (Gauge 1975). Up. 409-413. Http//www. ASTOR. Org/page/info/about/policies/ terms. Jsp). The three major groups of Eskimos were first designated as tribes by members of the fifth Thule Expedition and these three groups are Guilt, Entitles, and Cooper.Information from Nineteenth and early twentieth century describes that each of the tribal units are relatively discreet. With trade routes that intersect in Central Artic Contract between different tribes is most likely very short. There was intermarriages between Mackenzie Eskimos woman marrying into the Cooper Eskimo tribes. There have also been cases of intermarriages between Flimflamming Eskimos and Entails Eskimos and there also hostility between these two groups also. The Entitles had four cases of polygamy compared to two cases of polyandry. However, the census said otherwise.The Census shows there were three cases of polygamy to two cases of polyandry. â€Å"Rasmussen (1931 : 195) believed that two woman would be more compatible in sharing a husband than two men in sharing a wife. This explanation begs the question of the nature of Eskimo personality. †( Dams, David. Demographic Aspects of Central Eskimos Marriage Practices. American Ethnologist. Volvo. 2 No. 3 (Gauge. 1975). Up 409-413. Http://www. ASTOR. Org/ page/ info/ about/ politics/ terms. ]SP). The Jewish ethnic traditions has some marriage practices that differ from other traditions. The Mishap's generally are observant and religious.According to Zionist ideology, ethnic intermarriages is a means of creating a single, unified cultures among Jews in Israel ( Risen 1982). Migrate couples were less educated than those of the mixed couples. They usually married with in the Shaken tradition. In the Shaken community the ones who were less educated, married Migrate would Join the next generation. The group of Shaken education is relatively higher than it probably would be if they didn't do the mixed marriages. Education plays a large role in whether they marry into the Shaken or less economically advantaged Mishap's.Patterns of intermarriage are thus challenging concepts of race and ethnicity and are leading to complex views of ethnic and racial boundaries (Harris and Simi 2002; Hiroshima 2003; Roquefort and Brunets 2002). Jews can trace their roots in Israel past their grandparent's generation. In Israel context, the assimilation hypothesis suggest that the greater contact of educated Migrate with Shamanism has led to the erosion of their Migrate ethnic consciousness, more frequent intermarriages, the consequent concentratio n of Migrate ethnicity in the lower classes (Ben-Rafael 1982).A well-off educated Migrate would marry a poorly educated Shaken. Jews consider marriages to be the ideal state of personal existence, when you have a woman without a man and a man without a wife they consider it to be incomplete. Their engagement of marriage was usually brought about by a third person, which was also known as a match-maker. Although the marriages were the concerns of their parents, the children were not forced into marriage over their objections.When they are at the ceremony for marriage, the groom is given the ring and says his declaration, the bride does not have to respond, and she Just accepts the ring from the groom and then closes her hand to show that she accepts. Then the bride and groom drink a glass of wine together. After the ceremony is over the groom steps on glass, the broken pieces of glass is supposed to tell them how many years the marriage will last between the couple. The Jews and Eski mos had some things that each culture's did for their marriage practices that were alike and some that were different.In the Jew culture they married off the girls at a very young age. The parents usually had their children's marriages arranged by a matchmaker. They had confidence that the matchmakers would bring a proper spouse for their daughter to marry. Back then the father could marry off his daughter between the ages of three and twelve years of age, which was known to be called cetacean (little one). Which was completely subject to her father's authority and could arrange the marriage without daughter's approval. The marriages without the daughter's saying â€Å"l want this one†, was considered effective gal marriages.Now the daughters have a say if they want to marry the guy that's picked out for them. If it's not who they want then they go out and find who they want. The Eskimos parents also made marriage arrangements for their daughters. Their marriages were sought through kinship. They were also married off at a young age, married before they had their first menstrual period and began bearing children three to four years later. The men in the two cultures were not able to marry the girls till they could prove they could support them and have a home for them.The Eskimo sys were forced with different sets of requirements, they were not old enough for marriage till they proved themselves capable as hunter and providers. Also had to be able to build a snow house or hunt large game unassisted, he was not considered mature enough to take on and support a wife if he couldn't do them. After they proved those steps then before marriage they had to Join the father in laws house hold. During the trial marriage period they worked for the father in laws for three to four years or until the young couple was mature enough to establish a separate house hold.In the Jews culture the young men Just had to be able to provide a home for their soon to be wife's. O nce the marriages were completely arranged the wedding plans began. The two cultures to me seem to actually have a lot of common marriage practices. Kind of shocking how closely they do things even being two separate cultures. I feel that the children should be able to have a say into who they marry and spend the rest of their lives with. The two cultures that were described in this paper lead to finding regarding the marriage practices of the Jews and Eskimos.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Network Operating System Essay
A Network Operating System is an operating system that includes special functions for connecting computers and devices into a network. The term network operating system, however, is generally reserved for software that enhances a basic operating system by adding networking features. Network operating system implements protocol stacks as well as device drivers for networking hardware. This paper will identify the Domain Name Server (DNS), Web Server, Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS), and the Cisco Internetwork Operating System (IOS). Domain Name Server (DNS)Domain Name Server, also known as DNS, is an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. All addresses in the internet are bases on IP addresses. The job of the DNS is to translate the IP Addresses into domain names. DNS are very important but completely hidden from the internet. For example instead of typing we can type www.yahoo.com and get the same result. The Domain Name Server (DNS) distributes the responsibility for assigning domain names and mapping them to IP networks by allowing an authoritative server for each domain to keep track of its own changes, avoiding the need for a central registrar to be continually consulted and updated. DNS is a database system that translates a fully qualified domain name into an IP address. If a DNS does not know how to translate a particular domain name it will asks another DNS until the correct IP address is returned. Web ServerA web server is a computer that delivers Web pages. Every Web server has an IP address and possibly a domain name. For example, if you enter the URL http://www.yahoo.com in your browser, this sends a request to the server whose domain name is yahoo.com/mail.html. The server then fetches the page named mail.html and sends it to your browser. Any computer can be turned into a Web server by installing server software and connecting the machine to the Internet. There are many Web server software applications, including public domain software from NCSA and Apache, and commercial packages from Microsoft, Netscape and others. Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS)WINS is a service run on Windows NT servers to provide Windows clients a way to find other Windows computers. WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) resolves Windows network computer names (also known as NetBIOS names) to Internet IP addresses, allowing Windows computers on a network to easily find and communicate with each other. Using a WINS server is essential for any Windows client computer to work with other Windows computers over the Internet. In addition, using a WINS server is essential for any Windows client computer at Indiana University that intends to use Microsoft network resources. To use WINS services, you must insert into your TCP/IP networking configuration the IP address of the WINS servers you wish to use. Cisco Internetwork Operating System (IOS)One of Cisco’s strongest commitments in technology has been Internet Protocol (IP). Internet Protocol routing is the foundation for the internet. It is probably the most important technology in the past twenty years. Creating efficient use of network bandwidth by forwarding packets of data to the appropriate networks is what Internet Protocol routing is all about. The management team at Cisco is planning for the future with products like its Internetworking Operating System (IOS) software, which was created to provide the intelligence on the network, a basis for quality of service, and security on the internet. Services like Cisco’s IOS software help to drive the growth of the internet by creating new applications like real time trading, interactive support, and on demand media (Cisco Innovation & Technology News). Cisco IOS is a package of outing, switching, internetworking and telecommunications functions integrated with a multitasking operating system. Cisco IOS is the most common software used on most of Cisco routers and switches. Most Cisco products that run IOS also have one or more â€Å"feature sets†or â€Å"packages†, typically eight packages for Cisco routers and five packages for Cisco switches. One of the main characteristics of Cisco IOS is that it is command line interface (CLI). This style has been copied by other networking products. It provides a fixed set of multiple-word commands. The set of command available depends on the privilege level of each user. ConclusionNetwork Operating Systems are essential part for todayÂ’s network. This paper only covered some of these operating systems that are currently used and most of them are invisible to the regular user. Most users donÂ’t even know that they existed or how they work. References Webopedia retrieved November 19, 2007 from:http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/D/DNS.htmSearchnetworking.com retrieved November 19, 2007 from:http://searchnetworking.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid7_gci214124,00.htmlAbout.com retrieved November 19, 2007 from:http://compnetworking.about.com/od/softwareapplicationstools/l/bldef_nos.htmIndiana University retrieved November 19, 2007 from:http://kb.iu.edu/data/adeo.htmlCisco retrieved November 19, 2007 from:http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/iosswrel/ps1818/products_tech_note09186a008015083e.shtml andhttp://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/iosswrel/ps1828/products_white_paper09186a008018305e.shtml#t14
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Literature Review Research Paper Example
Literature Review Research Paper Example Literature Review Paper Literature Review Paper You may wish to write on a broad topic such as en of the chapter or lecture topics, or you may refine this down to any aspect or particular issue within these topics. The only restriction is the topic must come from the unit content. How many references do you expect? A literature review is a scholarly review of a body of work. That means you need to use a comprehensive range of peer reviewed literature. When you undertake a data base search you can refine the results requesting scholarly articles only. If you are uncertain as to what this term means or where to find scholarly peer reviewed articles in your search, please talk with a librarian. Generally speaking one reference per 100-200 words would be appropriate so a 2000 word literature review would have between 10-20 references. In addition, your references should come from Journal articles rather than text books. One text is usually sufficient, and few if any internet sources. What referencing style do you expect? I do not mind whether you use PAP or Harvard as long as you are consistent. The following link provides an explanation and examples of these styles: https:// www. Citrate. Quit. Du. AU/What is a literature review? A literature review is a critical analysis of published sources, or literature, on a particular topic. It is an assessment of the literature and provides a summary, classification, comparison and evaluation. The literature review is generally in the format of a standard essay made up of three components: an introduction, a body and a conclusion. What is the purpose off literature review? N writing the literature review, the purpose is to convey to the reader what knowledge and ideas have previously been established on a topic and their strengths and weaknesses, even their particular issues in application. Many people suggest that a literature review is not done in the real world. YES it is! Just in a slightly different form. Any substantial or effective report on any topic requires the writer to put in some information (usually in a section near the beginning) about what other people have found, are doing, through a review of the offerings in the literature. Does a literature review follow any particular structure? The following structure addresses the key requirements of a literature review: Introduction (identifying your topic and the general structure of your review). Should not exceed 10% of word count. Identify key authors (seminal work in the area) Present an overview of your topic Identify main issues, findings and common themes or trends. Identify research/ authors that support a particular position Identify that research which offers different alternatives Present the current debates on these issues. What are the findings of current research? Did they support existing theory? Did they challenge existing theory? Did they contribute to a new paradigm? What are the strengths/limitations of the research? Make recommendations for future research OR acknowledge the implications for anthropometry human resource practice Brief conclusion Tips on structure A common error in literature reviews is for writers to present material from one author, followed by information from another, then another. The way in which you group authors and link ideas will help avoid this problem. To group authors who draw similar conclusions, you can use linking words such as: also additionally again similarly When authors disagree, linking words that indicate contrast will show how you have analyses their work. Words such as: however conversely on the other hand nonetheless indicate to your reader how you have analyses the material. At other times you may want to qualify an authors work (using such words as specifically, usually or generally) or use an example (thus, namely, to illustrate). In this way you ensure that you are synthesizing the material, not Just describing the work already carried out in your field. Tips on writing In a literature review you must paraphrase literature and reference the source. You should not use more than two direct quotes. You must not copy literature word for word- this is plagiarism. What is plagiarism? Plagiarism is the act of misrepresenting someone elses work as your own. It basically means that you: copy word for word without using quotation marks and citing the source summaries/paraphrase without referencing use/develop someone elses idea without referencing it use experimental results, research data, statistics and so on without referencing the source paraphrase too closely to the original (even if the source is cited) I have never written a literature review before. What should I do? Dont be intimidated by the concept of writing a literature review. This unit is a foundation unit. Writing a literature review is a key skill and activities are designed to develop your abilities in information retrieval; critical analysis; and evaluation; in units throughout the program. You may make an appointment for individual consultation with the language and learning advisor in the School. Language and Learning support in IQ-JET Business School for all students: Post Graduate Student Learning advisers IQ-JET Business School provides additional language and learning support for students whose first language is not English. This helps you to develop the language and academic skills you need to succeed in your studies at IQ-JET. The Language and Learning Advisor (LA) in the school of Management is Julie Massive (JAZZ). Please see the administration staff at the counter on the 9th floor of Z Block to arrange an appointment to meet the learning advisor. The Blackboard site provides resources and further information. You can also find links and resources to help you develop your academic English at the IQ-JET Business School Language and Learning Support Blackboard site which is now available to all students and staff through the community Blackboard. Other useful resources https://www. Dwelled. Library. Quit. Du. AU/ https://owl. English. Purdue. Du/owl/ What sort of language is used in a literature review? The following is an excerpt from a (500) word literature review and provides an example of the language used: Expectancy theory is one of many systematic explanations dealing with employee motivation. Developed by Victor Broom in 1964 and later expanded upon by Porter and Lawyer in 1968, expectancy theory is based on the premise that the amount of effort expended by employees on a task is dependent on the nature, amount or attractiveness of the reward s/he expects to chive in return (Dublin, Dahlias Miller, 2006). Expectancy theory stipulates that an individuals propensity to act in a certain way is determined by three key factors (Bartok, Teen, Matthews, ; Sahara, 2008). These are perceptions of expectancy, instrumentality and valence, each representing a distinct relationship (Broom, 1964). Motivational Force (MFC) can be calculated through the use of the formula MFC=E x I x V. Since the three factors are multiplied, a change in any one will have a significant effect on an individuals motivational state (Isaac, Zero Pit, 001). Put simply, the international chain can only be as strong as its weakest link. As a process theory of motivation, expectancy theory describes a decision making process based on subjective perceptions of external interactions (Fudge Clatters, 1999). Thus, extrinsic motivators are used to explain why workers engage in certain behaviors (Shaming, 1990). It is therefore assumed that individuals make conscious decisions to maximize self interests. Expectancy refers to the perceived relationship between the effort contributed to a task and the level of performance achieved as a result (Broom, 1964). However, it can be weakened by the effect of external factors (such as favoritism or bias) on performance levels (Robbins, Judge, Millet, Waters-Marsh, 2008). Similarly, instrumentality depicts the relationship between a specified level of performance and a reward or outcome (Friedman, Cox Maier, 2008). A perceived lack of correlation between these factors will result in low motivation (Robins et al. , 2008). Valence is the personal value or attractiveness of a reward, established through reference to an individuals goals (Lawyer ; Settle, 1973).
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
See Some Triboluminescence Examples
See Some Triboluminescence Examples You may be familiar with the Wint-O-Green Lifesaverâ„ ¢ spark in the dark, but if you dont have Lifesavers handy, there are other ways you can see triboluminescence. Triboluminescence results from the fracture of (usually) asymmetrical materials. The break separates electrical charges, which recombine and ionize the air. The ionization of nitrogen in the air produces ultraviolet light, but you cant see that. You can observe triboluminescence when another material is present that absorbs that ultraviolet light and re-releases it in the visible range (fluoresces). Here are some examples: Cracking Wint-O-Green LifesaversCrush a wintergreen-flavored Lifesaver candy with your teeth or a hammer. You get triboluminescence whenever you smash sugar, but there usually isnt enough light for you to see it. The methyl salicylate in the wintergreen oil is fluorescent and converts the ultraviolet light into blue light. If you cant find this flavor of Lifesavers, you can use sugar with wintergreen oil or clove oil.Unwapping a Band-Aidâ„ ¢Some Band-Aid wrappers will emit a blue-green glow when they are unwrapped quickly. While you can unwrap the bandage in the dark, youll probably want to turn the lights back on before applying to a wound!Cutting a DiamondThis is not something most of us are likely to do, but some diamonds will fluoresce blue or red when being rubbed or, more usually, cut.Unrolling Friction TapeFriction tape is that cloth tape that has a rubber adhesive such that it is sticky on both sides. It can be used as an electrical insulator, but youll usually see it in t he context of sports, to wrap hockey sticks, tennis rackets, baseball bats, etc. If you unroll friction tape in the dark youll observe a glowing line as the tape is pulled away from the roll. Opening Sealed EnvelopesThe adhesive used to seal some envelopes will fluoresce blue as the contact is broken.Remove Ice from the FreezerThis is an example of fractoluminescence, which is sometimes considers synonymous with triboluminescence. Fractoluminescence is light produced by fracturing a crystal. The fracture separates charge. If enough charge is separated, an electrical discharge may occur across the gap. If you remove ice from a freezer in a dark room, you may see flashes of white light accompanying the crackling sounds of ice undergoing rapid thermal expansion.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The role of Nursing Theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The role of Nursing Theory - Assignment Example The significance of having a clear defined body of theory in nursing consist of improved professional status for nurses, better patient care, guidance for research and education, and enhanced communication between nurses. This is because nursing aims at developing a unique body of knowledge. Chinn and Kramer (2010) add that theory: helps nurses to explain, describe, and predict everyday experiences; aid come up with a criteria to measure the quality of nursing care; improve nursing autonomy; and offer a basis for collecting valid and reliable data in relation to clients’ health status that are crucial for efficient decision-making together with implementation; assist build a common terminology in home health to be used to communicate with other health practitioners. There are various theories of nursing. Burns and Grove (2009) affirm that since the purpose of nursing education is to train competent nurses, it usually relies on theory. The nursing theory plays a very crucial role in drawing attention to the vital elements of nursing, for instance, the concept of home health, patient, and the environment of the patient, as well as the care nurses give. In this regard, in nursing education the nursing theory offers a more general focus for curriculum design. The study of theory by any nursing student is essential since it assist one to comprehend the career they have chosen, its motivation, vibrancy, and fluidity. Moreover, the nursing theory also guides curricular decision making. The relationship between theory and research is undoubted. Nurses require the results of nursing research if they are to offer the best care (Alligood & Tomey, 2009). To that effect, the applicability of the role of theory in nursing research, it provides a framework for generating new ideas and knowledge. According to Burns and Grove (2009), research without theory leads to in discreet information that does not add to the accumulated knowledge of the
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